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Remote installation


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Hi Nick,

I use a symbolic link from an SSD for all of my Orbx scenery minus TE Netherlands. As I also plan on buying all of the upcoming TE  for P3Dv4.4, I want to use another SSD for all of the TE files of the future. Will it be OK to use a symbolic link from this Orbx TE SSD to the Orbx scenery SSD that then works with that symbolic link to P3D? If so do I have to have a separate symbolic link from the TE SSD for each TE region file, and if so is there a naming convention that should be used, i.e by region real name vic the coded file name generated by FTXC?

Convoluted I know but as I own all FTX scenery I see scenery file space issues in the future on one 1TB Orbx SSD.



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you can of course create symbolic links for individual products and store the products wherever you wish.

The only condition is that the links must all be inside the Orbx folder, even if that is itself a link and

the folder and file names must remain as downloaded.

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Nick, thanks for the information on how to use a symbolic link. I too was running out of space. I’ve used your instructions to relocate my ORBX folder to another drive. All works as desired without any ill effects. Load times don’t seem to be increased.


Cheers, Bernard

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