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Problem with CZST

Greg K

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I recently bought CZST and I have a problem with it.

There's no building and ground textures (Just the center of the runway).

I uninstalled and reinstalled both p3d and the scenery but nothing changed.

I also checked that the scenery is active and ObjectFlow is checked under add-ons menu.

I'm on P3D v4.3 and all other airports work perfectly.







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1 hour ago, gmazzei said:


have you installrd thr latest version of Orbx Libraries?

You can find that under Support at Orbxdirect





Thank you for your response.

I reinstalled the libraries and checked that I have the latest version (180725) but it's still not working.

Also, grass and rocks seem to float a few centimetres above the ground.

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Bonjour Greg

Bienvenue sur le forum


CZST is a beautiful scenery!


This is weird...


Are your FTX insertion points correctly set up?




Do you have any other addon in this area?


Do you also have NA Pacific Fjords installed? It is required by CZST


What do you mean by "I uninstalled and reinstalled both p3d and the scenery"? 


If you have a problem with a scenery there is no need to uninstalled and reinstalled p3d


Try running the "verify" tool in the product. It checks if any file is missing..



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Merci beaucoup.



Are your FTX insertion points correctly set up?

Yes. Here is my scenery.cfg: https://pastebin.com/HGFUrPrH

and the insertion points: https://imgur.com/a/6zCm6y8




Do you have any other addon in this area?

No, only the Orbx region



Do you also have NA Pacific Fjords installed? It is required by CZST

Yes, installed and active



What do you mean by "I uninstalled and reinstalled both p3d and the scenery"? 

I reinstalled p3d on a new hard drive then installed the scenery (It was not working) so I tried to reinstall it 2 ou 3 times but it was still not working.



Try running the "verify" tool in the product. It checks if any file is missing..

Already done 2 or 3 times but nothing changed


I own several airports and regions from Orbx and this is the only one which doesn't display correctly :(


Thanks for your help


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9 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Greg


Please post a copy of your scenery.cfg file here without opening it and listing the contents, that way we can open it in SCE and view it in an easier to read format.






Thank you for your help


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I don't see anything drastically wrong in your scenery.cfg, so maybe next please do a "Verify Files" of your PFJ region and FTX Global base.....then please go to your P3Dv4\ORBX\Troubleshooter folder and run the "MigrationTroubleshooter.exe" and post the results here.


Also, please reconfirm that both the P3Dv4 in game top of screen under Options/Add-ons that ObjectFlow2 is checked enabled.


And that “Use ObjectFlow 2 in Prepar3D v4” in FTXC3 settings is checked enabled.





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do a "Verify Files" of your PFJ region and FTX Global base.....then please go to your P3Dv4\ORBX\Troubleshooter folder and run the "MigrationTroubleshooter.exe" and post the results here.


Here is the result:

Orbx Migration Troubleshooter
    Australia                                         NOT INSTALLED
    Central Rocky Mountains                           NOT INSTALLED
    England                                           MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    FTX Global                                        MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    Ireland                                           NOT INSTALLED
    Northern California                               NOT INSTALLED
    Northern Ireland                                  NOT INSTALLED
    Norway                                            NOT INSTALLED
    Northern Rocky Mountains                          NOT INSTALLED
    New Zealand North Island                          NOT INSTALLED
    New Zealand South Island                          NOT INSTALLED
    FTX Global openLC Europe                          MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    Pacific Fjords                                    MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    Pacific Northwest                                 MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    Southern Alaska                                   MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    Southern California                               MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    Scotland                                          MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    Wales                                             NOT INSTALLED
All region files exist.
All files valid, MD5 hashes checked.

Also, please reconfirm that both the P3Dv4 in game top of screen under Options/Add-ons that ObjectFlow2 is checked enabled.

Yes it's enabled



And that “Use ObjectFlow 2 in Prepar3D v4” in FTXC3 settings is checked enabled.

Enabled too

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