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How to install in non-default drive


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Have returned to Orbx after a long time away and have purchased England. 

I have 3 drives C, D and E and the download is trying to download to drive D (where FSX is located) but there is not enough available space on drive D.  Can the download be directed to drive E where I have all my other scenery installed?  If so, are there other steps to be taken as well?



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5 minutes ago, twister said:


Have returned to Orbx after a long time away and have purchased England. 

I have 3 drives C, D and E and the download is trying to download to drive D (where FSX is located) but there is not enough available space on drive D.  Can the download be directed to drive E where I have all my other scenery installed?  If so, are there other steps to be taken as well?



There's an excellent post here from Mr. Nick Cooper.  I'll try to find it, you use a dynamic link to do this and it's so simple even I can do it.


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This Nick Cooper guide says initially:

" copy your ORBX folder from your simulator root folder to a location of your choice on another drive"

Because I do not have enough available space on drive D where FSX is located, I can't have the "Orbx England" download installed on drive D to enable me to carry out this first step.  Have I interpreted this guide correctly?

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if you have not started an installation and therefore there is not yet an ORBX folder,

create an ORBX folder in the drive where you do have space and then

place the symbolic link from it into your FSX root folder on your D drive.

It doesn't matter if it is empty, it is still a link and when you run FTX Central it will install to that link and the

files themselves will be written to the drive with space.


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Hello Nick,

Before proceeding, my arrangement is:

FTX is on drive C

FSX is on drive D

Scenery is on drive E

FTX is trying to download to drive C .  Is that correct in my situation?  (10.76 GB required, 8.95 GB available, not enough space)

Regards, Ray

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Hello Nick,

OK.  I have a lot of available space on drive E and can accommodate FTX and ORBX scenery on drive E and forget about using Link Shell Extension.

At the moment FTX is on drive C.  How do I un-install FTX and re-install FTX on drive E?  Where on the FTX Central settings page do I install FTX on drive E?

Regards, Ray

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Hello Nick,

Thanks a lot for the help.  I think I'm getting there.  Let me see if I've got his right:

I now have FTX Central installed on drive C.

Trying to install EU England from FTX  Central, gives the message "not enough space on temp drive C"  but I have space on drive E.  So your guide says use a "symbolic link" to move the ORBX folder. 

The first step is to install "Link Shell Extension".

Please could you give me a suitable link to getting "Link Shell Extension" installed?

The second step  is to  "copy your ORBX folder from your simulator root folder to a location of your choice on another drive".  But where does this ORBX folder come from, since I do not have an ORBX  folder in my simulator (FSX) folder?

Kind regards, Ray



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Hello Nick,

Thanks for perserving with me. 

I have now created an empty ORBX in my FSX folder.

I am still unclear how to get EU England installed from FTX Central.  As I've said above, attempting the installation says "not enough space on drive C".  Is there a way (in settings ?) to install to another drive, apart from drive C?

I had a look at your link for "Link Shell Extension" and found it a bit intimidating!  So I did an internet search for "Link Shell Extension" and downloaded "HardLinkShellExt_X64.exe" which I run. 

In explorer>programs I now see a program Link Shell Extension   [C:\Users\Raymond\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Link Shell Extension].  This folder is empty!   What gone wrong?  Can you help?

Regards, Ray

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Hello Ray,

I am not sure if this is your best solution.


Your post


I have a lot of available space on drive E and can accommodate FTX and ORBX scenery on drive E and forget about using Link Shell Extension.

makes a lot more sense.


PMDG wrote a very good article on how to uninstall and reinstall FSX.

You can read it here.

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Thanks Nick,

Can I take one step at a time.  So:

how do I get EU England installed from FTX Central.  As I've said above, attempting the installation says "not enough space on drive C".  Is there a way (in settings ?) to install from FTX Central to another drive, apart from drive C?

Regards, Ray

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Hello Nick,

I've followed your step by step guidance and downloaded EU England to the E drive. 

After downloading, the "status" appeared as "installing" and just remained so for quite some time.  Does this mean the installation is complete?

I have looked at the "orbx-ftxcentral --------" folder on the E drive and it is 9.78GB.  So can I assume everything is OK?

Kind regards, Ray

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Hello Nick,

Have you had a chance to look at my last post?

As an alternative, I'd also like to ask you if it is possible to install both FTX Central and the ORBX scenery on drive E, or must FTX Central always be on drive C? 

When I selected "Download FTX Central" from the ORBX home page, it installed automatically on drive C.

My FSX folder is on drive D and contains the OBX folder.

Regards, Ray


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Very impressed indeed by ORBX EU England.  I also have the photo' scenery of England by Horizon (very expensive!) and really where I fly can't really see the difference between the two products.  I suppose ORBX uses some photo'  for say cities.

Would have liked to install ORBX Trees HD but understand can't do a backup of default trees for re-installation.  So have backed off.

Can one see differences between seasons using ORBX (snow?), lights at dusk, etc.

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