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ORBX in P3D v4


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Dear Forum Members,


I asked this question aslo in the german ORBX-Forum but I think it's not wrong to get the opionion of many different people. I'm thinking about to upgrade my P3D-Scenery. Recently I upgraded my FSX to P3D v4 and I read that the default scenery of it is an upgrade to the default FSX scenery. Is this true or am I wrong?


So my question is: Does it make a big difference when I install FTX Global Base and Vector? Or should I skip Vector and install an OpenLC product? 

I'm aware this is a ORBX forum and some members could be prejudiced im their opinion. So please be honest and I'm exited for your answers.


Thank you for your attention!



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21 minutes ago, Cedrict said:

Does it make a big difference when I install FTX Global Base and Vector? Or should I skip Vector and install an OpenLC product? 

I'm aware this is a ORBX forum and some members could be prejudiced im their opinion. So please be honest and I'm exited for your answers.

I think if you ask many simmers (whether on other forums or on social media), they will generally say that ORBX products are an improvement over the default P3D scenery. 
You have to compare the pictures available on the ORBX product pages to what you see in default P3D. Then you have to decide if you think ORBX products make a big enough difference for you to buy - I, and everybody on this forum, think that they make a massive improvement.

The next question you need to ask yourself is what benefit will you get from one type of product over the over? That comes from what type of flying you usually do in your sim.
If you do lots of flying over different continents, then Global Base & Vector is a better value proposition. If you do lots of VFR single or twin engine flying or regional hops in airliners, then a OLC product will be of better value to you. Work out what type of flying you want to do, that will determine what product to go for.

I rarely used to fly single engine light aeroplanes, but then I discovered the FTX Regions and suddenly found myself taking the 'low and slow' approach because of how interesting the scenery is, which has changed my enjoyment of simming for the better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After you install P3D v4.4,  install Global Base at least, it truly improves the very ordinary base scenery of P3D.  Frankly I think that LM doesn't bother too much with the default scenery because Orbx has well and truly solved the quality problem.  Once you start with Orbx the range of Global and regional scenery is fantastic.  Some people don't like Vector, but I always install

it because it does a great job on coastlines, rivers, roads, and railways and it gives great choice of detail.  Then LC Europe, the two German regions, some airports and also other publishers have a very large range of German airports.  The choice is wide, and it is simply up to you.

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