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Windows 'Error Sounds' repeatedly in new airports.


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I have been using FSX successfully on Windows 10 for a few years now with some old versions of FTX airports installed, including an old version of YMML. I generally use these products together with the PMDG 737 NGX aircraft which generally works ok but does put a strain on Frame Rates under some circumstances. I have recently purchased the new version 3 of YMML as well as YBCS Gold Coast Airport. Purchase receipt numbers are  5be89300a19de and 5be850d8b8cec respectively.


I used them for the first time last night and found that at both airports I was hearing the Windows 'Ding-Dong' error sound repeatedly about every 10 seconds. In my current windows system sounds profile settings, it appears the sound I am hearing identifies as either 'Device Connect' or 'Device Disconnect' however I am not sure if this information is relevant to the actual problem. I have never heard any windows error sounds whilst FSX is running in the past and I am a long term user of the application.


Other recent changes noted that may be relevant are that FTX Central altered the order of my Scenery Library so I was wondering if these changes are producing an error? I do have alternative Australian Scenery installed as well as FTX AU which all ran ok in the past until these two new airports and FTX Central were purchased and installed. I would appreciate any feedback on what might cause this issue and of course if it can be rectified as it is a very annoying noise and very unrealistic....

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Hi Welcome to the forums


It sounds like you are hearing the OOM (Out of memory) warning. It sounds when windows has detected it is about to run out of VAS.




Thiis is not an Orbx product issue, it is a decades old issue with FSX being a 32bit program and only able to make use of 3-4gb of system memory. The only real solution to this problem has been the development and release of the 64bit simulators such as P3Dv4, AFS2, and X-Plane 11. 


If you do a search using "FSX OOM" (Out Of Memory) as search criteria on this forum or any other, you will find tons of info on how to combat it as best as possible...


It basically boils down to the more computer power you have the more you addon and the higher the settings the faster you will encounter an OOM.





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Hi Doug,

Thanks for the information. This may be possibly what I am hearing?

However I have learned a little more since posting my original concern. The sound I hear matches with the Windows 10 'Landscape' Sound Scheme for the 'Exclamation' Program Event found within the sounds control panel. The sound is actually the same one that Outlook makes when it asks on closing 'do I want to delete all items in the deleted items folder'.

Furthermore, only this morning it started making the sound again after landing and taxiing at my new YBCG (Gold Coast). I discovered that the sound stopped immediately after I went into Display settings and increased the Target Frame Rate setting as a test. After waiting a while to make sure it had stopped I returned the Target Frame Rate setting back to its original setting of 30FPS and the sound did not re-occur. I am aware from reading previous manuals, that making any change to display settings with FSX also changes the 'TEXTURE MAX LOAD' setting within FSX and its config file back to its default setting of 1024 (where I try to keep mine set to 4096).  My thought here is that it was not the actual FPS setting that stopped the sound but rather the change to TEXTURE MAX LOAD that would have occurred at the same time the FPS setting was changed. Does this sound feasible and if so, does this mean that decreasing the TEXTURE MAX LOAD setting could solve the problem....?

Does this additional information still sound to you that this problem is being caused by the FSX OOM issue? I have already tried reducing some of the detail settings of my new airports using the configure function within FSX Central and whilst I thought this had worked for a while the sound problem returned.

I need to mention here that I am not too keen on the way FSX Central alters my Scenery Library order every time I run it. This is because I require my scenery library to just have the FTX Airports on top followed by another scenery for parts of Australia followed by FTX AU for the remainder of Australia. I do wish that FTX Central didn't 'take over' and overwrite my settings and gave me the option to turn this feature off.

I guess I best now take up your suggestion and search for other information on this subject to try and determine if this is the actual problem I am experiencing?

Thanks again Doug for your information and suggestions and I will look forward to any other thoughts you may have about this additional information....



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3 hours ago, Dazza123 said:

I need to mention here that I am not too keen on the way FSX Central alters my Scenery Library order every time I run it. This is because I require my scenery library to just have the FTX Airports on top followed by another scenery for parts of Australia followed by FTX AU for the remainder of Australia. I do wish that FTX Central didn't 'take over' and overwrite my settings and gave me the option to turn this feature off.


Hi, in regards to the above issue, below is an informative topic.



3 hours ago, Dazza123 said:

I am aware from reading previous manuals, that making any change to display settings with FSX also changes the 'TEXTURE MAX LOAD' setting within FSX and its config file back to its default setting of 1024 (where I try to keep mine set to 4096).  My thought here is that it was not the actual FPS setting that stopped the sound but rather the change to TEXTURE MAX LOAD that would have occurred at the same time the FPS setting was changed. Does this sound feasible and if so, does this mean that decreasing the TEXTURE MAX LOAD setting could solve the problem....?


Yes, FSX with a 4096 texture load and added complex scenery will most certainly always lead to an OOM. Although it won't solve the problem, using max 1024 textures will reduce it drastically.



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Hi Doug & Nick,

I have been progressively winding back settings to try and cure my now apparent OOM problem which was persistently occurring after landing at my newly purchased YBCG Gold Coast Airport. The problem appeared to be finally solved this morning after I disabled the static aircraft option at the airport (provided within the configure options in FTX Central). However, for a moment at least there was another problem introduced with extremely oversized '2 way radios' and other oversized weird objects being displayed as per the screen shots attached. As part of the same test I also had FSX's autogen set to 'None'. Whilst at the airport I re-enabled autogen to 'Sparse' to see if the OOM problem returned and it did not happen, so it is looking like the problem was being caused by the static aircraft at this stage. Soon after re-enabling autogen the weird objects disappeared for now and all appeared ok.

Can you provide anymore clues as to why these problem may occur as it is starting to look like there are some strange bugs with this airport? I will have to wait until my next test flight to see if any problems return....2018-11-21_6-6-48-276.thumb.jpg.29616b18d10e506317efd46e95a6f7b4.jpg2018-11-21_6-7-16-400.thumb.jpg.2e42529f13fd11d3fce383252601335f.jpg

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5 hours ago, Dazza123 said:

However, for a moment at least there was another problem introduced with extremely oversized '2 way radios' and other oversized weird objects being displayed as per the screen shots attached.


Please see the topic below for the solution.



Please keep in mind that there is no cure for the OOM problem with FSX, the static aircraft are not the cause, they are just one of many items that contribute to the consumption of VAS. The only real solution and cure to this problem has been the development and release of the 64bit simulators such as P3Dv4, AFS2, and X-Plane 11. 

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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 12:56 PM, Doug Sawatzky said:
On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 10:12 AM, Dazza123 said:

I need to mention here that I am not too keen on the way FSX Central alters my Scenery Library order every time I run it. This is because I require my scenery library to just have the FTX Airports on top followed by another scenery for parts of Australia followed by FTX AU for the remainder of Australia. I do wish that FTX Central didn't 'take over' and overwrite my settings and gave me the option to turn this feature off.


Hi, in regards to the above issue, below is an informative topic.....    

Hi all,

Something really should be done about this issue!! It is so time consuming having to go and re-align my scenery library priorities within FSX every time I open FTX Central. So yes you can take this as a complaint. I must admit to being quite astounded at some of the attitudes towards customers trying to express concerns within the 'informative topic' it was suggested I read. It just appears that to me that the problem that has been created is not understood as per my original comment above. That being that I do not use all FTX products in 'one block' within FSX and I do not want FTX Central to re-arrange the FTX scenery into a single block. This is because I use alternative Australian scenery for part of the country and require FTX airports to have priority over this scenery - but then require the rest of the country to be used with FTX AU Region scenery 'underneath' the alternative scenery with a lower priority.

To me as a user, (as I assume most of us are), I cannot understand nor accept why any developer would create a  scenario where their application 'takes over' the control of the base application they are simply supporting with add-on improvements? They should only desire to improve and not do something to it we the users do not want or need. Furthermore, it should not be difficult or a big ask to have this feature of FTX Central an option for the user and not mandatory? Yet it took pages and pages of detailed descriptions of different scenarios of how to arrange FTX as one block when the point is that we may not want FTX as one single block!! And to keep everyone happy all that needs to happen is to be given the option to turn it off!! I will certainly be a much happier user if this is provided...



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Every other non Orbx scenery product I own requires all the entries to be in one block...I believe it would be next to impossible for a developer to provide product support if there products were split up and scattered amongst other products in thousands of different possible user created scenarios? :)


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