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Prerpa3d 4.3 Wont Start after Installing LC Europe

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Greetings All,

My Prepare3d 4.3 will no longer start/run after installing LC Europe (I have Global, Vector, Trees, Libraries and LC North America for months - all working great!).

The Lockheed 'box' appears for a 5 or so seconds, then disappears(!) Looking at Task Manager shows Prepare3d 'running' but you cannot get to it.

I am have 12 GB RAM, plenty of space on my Samsung 950 EVO, and I am on Win 7 64-bit. Again, everything working just fine for months - including many FTX products, but today after successfully installing (at least that's what the msg said) LC Europe, I am now dead in the water.

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

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10 minutes ago, Billd said:

Try hitting "ALT" and "ENTER" at the same time. I have had that issue where it just goes  to minimized and it shows as a small box in the taskbar .It should go to full screen afterward.

Thanks Bild, I tried it, but 'No Joy'. Still 'minimizes' and then never expands - even doing ALT/Enter. Plus ( and this may be a hint, idk) Prepar3d.exe shows in Task manager as running at 25%. It is maddening...

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LC Europe loads along with other scenery, terrain, autogen,etc. as P3d Starts. . It may be just loading slow if it's the first start since installation. I have had to wait on P3d ,FSX, to start about 10 minutes while using a hard drive, not an SSD. I just watch TV for a while. It finally starts !  I use my simulators that are on the hard drive on occasion for nastalgia.

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instead of uninstalling and reinstalling, try going to

C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery.cfg and rename

scenery.cfg to scenery.cfg.off.

Start P3D and see if it then runs.

If it does, close it, run FTX Central and wait for "Activating Orbx scenery".

When that is complete, go to the settings page and set the insertion point

as in this image.



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Hi Nick,

Well, I accomplished the above and it looked as thought things were improved as upon restarting Prepar3d, grey Lockheed box appears, then a green progress bar saying something like 'Setting Scenery Indexes' (that completes in seconds) then a new green progress bar appears saying something about 'Scenery Files' and this takes another oh, 5 seconds, then in the blink of an eye it is all gone! Poof - back to the desktop. But again, if I look in Task Manager, Prepar3d is running and consuming 25-26% CPU.

It's is frustrating.

Any other techniques I might apply?

Thanks in advance.


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38 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

C:\programdata\Lockheed Martin\ Prepar3D v4

Hi Nick,

No joy - same behavior. It appears to start, then 'disappears. I've attached a vid of the behavior, and a pic showing CPU activity after it disappears. One more bit on info - even though it appears to be using 25-27% CPU, Prepare3d does is not listed on the Applications tab...

PBELL CPU usage after Prepar3d disappears on startup.jpeg

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Hi Nick,

This fixed it! From the Prepar3d Support FAQ's (waaayy down the page)::


Finally, you should delete the generated files by navigating to your Prepar3D v4 installation directory (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 by default) and double-click Delete Generated Files. You can also manually delete your generated files by deleting the following folders:

  • C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 (or the modified install location)
  • %PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4
  • %APPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4
  • %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files

What's cool is that in the Folder mentioned above is a shortcut named "Delete Generated Files' which does it all for you.



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Hello Pat,

yes that deletes all the P3D configuration files and pretty much everything

that can be changed is returned to default.

This means

C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4:          all of P3D deleted!  it does not do this

%PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4:      scenery library returned to default, all addon scenery entries gone

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4:     all controls setting returned to default

%APPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4:                 all modifications made by any addon software removed, the software will not work and will possibly need to be reinstalled.

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files:         all saved flights, flightplans gone


For this reason I see it as a last resort, not a first recommendation, as even if it repairs the damage

it potentially leaves the user a great deal of work to do.

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Hi Nick,

Oh, I agree! It is to be avoided if possible, but also good to know it is there. I had to reinstall all my ORBX addons, but that was easy using FTX Central which was still intact and quite straightforward to use. I also did have to reset my 'Options' in Prepar3d, but that was quick and painless.

Bottom-line, fully back up-and-running with your great scenery products!:)



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Good evening from Germany,

I have recently had the problem that the P3DV4.3 does not start correctly anymore after I imported the ORBX libraries into the Scenery.cfg via FTX3.
After initializing the libraries P3DV4.3 starts exactly once and all my ORBX sceneries are displayed correctly. But if I want to quit the P3DV4.3 and start it a second time, the application crashes before the start screen appears. In the Task Manager the execution of the P3DV4.3 app is still displayed.
I created a backup of Scenery.cfg BEFORE initializing the ORBX libraries. When I import this backup file again, the P3DV4.3 starts error-free again. Unfortunately I am not a specialist in this field, maybe you can help me to run my P3DV4 correctly again after initializing all ORBX products.

Thank you very much for a hopefully positive information.


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