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KPSP Blurred Runway Textures


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This is a screenshot of KPSP running in Prepar3d 4.3.  I do not know if this is an Orbx issue or LM.  Notice the arrows in the above image.  The further from the view point, the worst the image.  A texture resolution of 7cm does not help.  Texture resolution of Ultra- 4096x4096 does not help.  Lower values do not help.  Changing the order of the library insertion point does not help.  Deleting old FTX Central 3's and only having the latest on my computer does not help.  Having the newest update to the Orbx library does not help.  Deleting the config file and allowing it to re-generate does not help.  I've read P3D V4.3 has issues with blurry textures.  But is it to this extent?  Taxi lines, runway lines, runway edges etc. all blur into the distance just like the arrows (only with photo scenery I believe).  Default runway markings do not blur.   I'm just looking for a vector and if anyone else has experienced this.  I apologize for the post if this is a LM Prepar3d issue.  But after searching for an answer for the last several months, I'm out of airspeed and ideas.  Thanks in advance.



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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to KPSP Blurred Runway Textures

G'day RD, 


This issue is caused by low or disabled AA settings in both your P3D settings and your computer's graphic card settings. 


In the P3D menu, go to Options > Graphics > Display, and in the "image and texture quality" section, ensure that: 

- FXAA is set to "ON"

- AA is set to 4xMSAA or higher

- Texture filtering is set to Anisotropic 4x or higher

- Texture resolution is set to 1024x1024 or higher


As well as this, go to your computer's graphics card settings, and ensure that the Anisotropic Filtering is set quite high (I have mine set at 16x). 


This should fix the problem for you. 




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Hi Jarrad,


Thank you so much.  I had all AA settings disabled in my NVIDIA Control Panel.  As soon as I set what you recommended, the image was sharp. I'm very grateful.   This issue is now resolved.



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