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Placing ".off" at the end of an ORBX file...?


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Hello fellow simmers,


I have upgraded to P3Dv4 with Windows 10 and have noticed that when I go to turn "off" an Orbx file eg:  ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.off etc (because i want to add a third party addon), the file does not change colour from blue to white and when I load P3D I get a window telling me to delete said file...!?!

I never had this issue with P3Dv3.4 nor FSX?

Is it new for windows 10 and or P3Dv4...?  




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 It might be best to follow how ORBX does this and just add .OFF to the end of the BGL and not remove the .BGL extension itself (ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.BGL.OFF instead of ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.off).

 I have done this to dozens of files within my ORBX collection in all variations of P3d and Windows 10 with no ill effects.

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20 minutes ago, Dave_YVR said:

 It might be best to follow how ORBX does this and just add .OFF to the end of the BGL and not remove the .BGL extension itself (ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.BGL.OFF instead of ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.off).

 I have done this to dozens of files within my ORBX collection in all variations of P3d and Windows 10 with no ill effects.

I am not removing the .BGL at all.  Just adding the .OFF to the end.  Thus getting the error message when loading P3D to delete said file....!?

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17 hours ago, Timmy74 said:

am not removing the .BGL at all.  Just adding the .OFF to the end.  Thus getting the error message when loading P3D to delete said file....!?


 That's just it, I'm not saying you remove anything. Simply adding the .OFF to the end of the entire filename like how ORBX does it. I've personally done it this way to many dozens of files in every version of P3d and Win10 and I've never had any issues such as those that you describe.

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On 10/14/2018 at 1:34 AM, Timmy74 said:

I have upgraded to P3Dv4 with Windows 10 and have noticed that when I go to turn "off" an Orbx file eg:  ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.off etc (because i want to add a third party addon), the file does not change colour from blue to white and when I load P3D I get a window telling me to delete said file...!?!



P3D sees and reads any file with the extension .BGL.

P3D does not see any file with the extension .OFF.


If P3D still sees the file after it was renamed, it must therefore still

have the extension .BGL.

P3D does not care what the file name is, it reads only the contents, not the title.

However, if you change a file name while P3D is running and using it, it will also

generate a message asking to to delete its reference.


An example of an ineffective file name change would be from



In this case, P3D does not care that the file name is now ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.OFF

and continues to read it because the extension, ie the part after the last"." is still BGL


Therefore the only effective way to disable a file is to add .off after the extension, thus



A file will only "change colour from blue to white" if by changing its name, it becomes a file that

does not have a default program set to open it.

If you have not changed the extension from .BGL, of course, Windows still sees it as the .bgl file

that it remains and therefore the icon does not change.

If the file is correctly renamed to ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.BGL.OFF, the icon will change to white, unless

of course at some point, a default program has been set for files with the extension .OFF.



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On 10/17/2018 at 5:36 PM, Nick Cooper said:



P3D sees and reads any file with the extension .BGL.

P3D does not see any file with the extension .OFF.


If P3D still sees the file after it was renamed, it must therefore still

have the extension .BGL.

P3D does not care what the file name is, it reads only the contents, not the title.

However, if you change a file name while P3D is running and using it,it will also

generate a message asking to to delete its reference.


An example of an ineffective file name change would be from



In this case, P3D does not care that the file name is now ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.OFF

and continues to read it because the extension, ie the part after the last"." is still BGL


Therefore the only effective way to disable a file is to add .off after the extension, thus



A file will only "change colour from blue to white" if by changing its name, it becomes a file that

does not have a default program set to open it.

If you have not changed the extension from .BGL, of course, Windows still sees it as the .bgl file

that it remains and therefore the icon does not change.

If the file is correctly renamed to ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.BGL.OFF, the icon will change to white, unless

of course at some point, a default program has been set for files with the extension .OFF.




Thank you Nick for your outstanding explanation.

Please let me try and be a bit more clear on my plight...... 


When I go to ANY file that is a .bgl file in my computer, the file name does not have .bgl written at the end...!?  However, when you look across the file listing from "Name", there is "Date Modified" and then "Type".  This is where I know its a .bgl file because it is written "BGL File".

So when I want to change an ORBX file I have to type ".bgl.off" on the end of the "Name" of the file as to not get an "Error please delete "ADE_FTX_xxxx_xxxx_xxx" etc file every time I start up P3Dv4!?!?!

When I type this ".bgl.off" the "Name" file remains blue and does not turn white!?!?

It works fine -and never had a problem- as it should on my other machine which is running Windows 7 and P3Dv3.4.  This new rig running P3Dv4 with Windows 10 is where i am having the issue!?!?


I hope you now understand what i am talking about?




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Windows by default hides extensions for "known file types".

This means that if the file has a default program set to open it,

you will not see its extension.

This is a bad thing because you are only seeing the file name and so cannot change the extension.

Therefore when you rename it, as you are doing, you are creating ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.OFF.BGL which as

I explained above does not disable the file.

I would suggest that you visit the Windows Explorer view settings and set them like this:




Then you will see ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.OFF.BGL and you can amend it to

ADE_FTX_NZSI_objects.BGL.OFF, as it should be.

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