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Missing big part of Suriname river next to Paramaribo

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Hello Orbx team,
Today I discovered, a significant part of the Suriname river, just next to Paramaribo, is missing. Since it is about water, I suppose this is an Global Vector issue, but it could also be an issue of Open Landclass South America, maybe.
Probably the screenshots make clear what part is missing. There is a screen with the real situation taken from Google Earth. Another screenshot shows FSX with Global Base, Global Vector and Open Landclass SA. The situation in P3Dv4 is the same, by the way.
A remarkable thing is, there is a "small stream' vector running through the landscape, following the line of what should be the northern border of the very wide part of the Suriname river at that location.
Hope you can fix it.
I did not check every river, but at least there is another place more to the south, where Vector shows a small stream instead of a wider river.
Maybe you can check all the big rivers for these kind of errors.

However, the most remarkable one is certainly the missing part east of Paramaribo.


Google Earth screenshot 50 procent.png

Situation now with Orbx Global Base -Vector and OLC SA 50 procent.png

Situation now with idication of the present small stream 50 procent.png

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Attached is a file that adds in the missing section of the Suriname River.  Place anywhere in your scenery library above the Vector entries.  This should work equally well for Vector in FSX and P3D v4 and v5.


It turns out the section in question was completely missing as a polygon, but for whatever reason the two shorelines were present as streams.  Assuming that must just have been some coding error when the data was processed.


Edited by Sabretooth78
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