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Asking for visuals help

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Just want to ask since this forum has a lot of smart helpful users in it and I have no idea how to trouble shoot this issue. Has anyone seen this issue and or have an idea what to do to trouble shoot it? I do use FlyInside but this was captured in normal P3Dv4.3.


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Scott, do use FlyInside? Just trying to determine what addon might be causing this as I did a clean install of P3Dv4.3 recently to get rid of this and see through objects Like as you see in the arrive truck

 and this with the fuselage of the plane


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It has to do with Avatar mode. I do know I moved around and turned off some camera views in the avatar config so that the default view is 1st person. I noticed that when using outside views I didnt have that issue, only in avatar. I never use outside view so it was when i was assigning a door in GSX that I noticed it. Once in avatar view if I switched from the current view to 3rd person or any other avatar view, it corrected itself. So I know where the issue is, know just to fix it. 

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