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Terrain Flat and Scenery Blurry


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While flying from one airport to another the departure airport Scenery and terrain looks as it should but after around 10 min in the air the terrain flattens out and is very blurry.  With buildings only showing up at add-on airports.  I have the following installed:

FTX Global Base Pack

FTX Global openLC Europe

FTX Global openLC North America

FTX Global Trees HD


EU England

EU Germany North

EU Germany South

EU Norway

TrueEarth Netherlands HD

NA Pacific Northwest


Attached are screen shots of the look of the terrain and also my P3D4 Scenery Library.








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Hello Majdadsf


Welcome to the forum


First of all, I think you need to set your FTX Central insertion points correctly. I see Flight bean has been fixed itself among the land classes


Can you please verify that your FTX entries are set below your very first third-party addon  and then your Land Class below FTX in this area here:





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All of a sudden I'm getting exactly what is shown in the above scene shot.  When I load a flight my airport scenery is fine, but about 50 or so miles from the airport there's a line where the blurry scenery starts.  It's so bad I can't land as the arrival airport is so blurred away.  My last flight (into NZWN) the airport was black.  This has occurred with ORBX Australia and also ORBX NZNI.  I've always had great scenery up until a couple of days ago.  As far as I'm concerned my insertion points are all okay.  Now, the only thing I've changed in recent days is downloading and installing the latest NVidia drivers.  Is it possible this could be the cause?


I'm running W10, P3D v4.3  









Bruce R



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3 hours ago, majdadsf said:

They seem to be locked (grayed out).   Any idea on how I can move them?




the Flightbeam entries are apparently xml scenery library entries and have presumably been

set there using a Lorby tool or similar.

It is very unlikely that they have anything to do with the problem.


In both cases, it seems to be that the simulator is not loading the scenery.

If the latest drivers are suspected, an easy test would be to "roll back" to the previous driver.

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Hi Majdadsf

As Nick commented all the add-ons that show as blocked (greyish in the checkbox) were installed automatically that's why you can't move them.


I know that if you uninstall them and then reinstall you could untick the option of "enable in the library or something similar shows in the installer, can't remember. And then you install it manually, the traditional way so you can select their priority but some installers don't allow you to do so, like the case of FSDT and in the case of Aerosoft,  a scenery (despite of being installed manually) doesn't appear if it is not by the xml method. Which for me sucks. 


The point is that your FTX entries must go below your very first third-party addon and the land classes below your FTX entries. Maybe you could uninstall all the ones that get installed by the xml method and install one (or left one) that doesn't install this way as your very first add-on and then try to set you FTX Central as explained above. Start the sim for it to load correctly then install the other ones and test.


But Nick says this is not the reason for your blurry scenery, and if not the drivers then maybe your computer is trying to catch up, I mean is trying to load the scenery but it is not too capable/fast (maybe). I had this problem in FS9, and usually had to wait too long until it loaded, or refresh the scenery. I had a pot as a computer.


I think it could be the same case for Bruce.


Maybe you both could provide Nick your PC specs so he may confirm this theory or discard.


You can put your PC specifications in your signature (you do this in your account) so everytime you have an issue they can already check that at once


Hope this gets solves for you soon



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8 hours ago, majdadsf said:

running out of ideas.



Dan - I took on board what you did which was to roll back your drivers.  This didn't work for you so I did the opposite.  I re-installed the latest drivers.  Low and behold it fixed my scenery.  Something must have happened when the new drivers were installed a couple of days ago.  Re-installing them somehow fixed it.  If you're out of ideas, give it a go.  Let us know how you get on.


In this shot I've just reached 38000' and the city of Canberra, Australia can be seen quite clearly, and there's no sign of that blurry line and scenery.  It was a perfect flight from Sydney to Melbourne.





Bruce R




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On 9/28/2018 at 5:59 AM, majdadsf said:



Do you have GSX Level 2?  If so, there appears to have been some coding issue along the way with level 2, and together with ORBX, it created these extreme blurries.  The fix is to run the FSDT Live Update.  There's an extensive discussion on it over at FSDT Support.          http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,18564.405.html           




Bruce R


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