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No global airport pack


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Hello guys


I have installed p3dV4 on a brand new HD and re installed everything I owned from OrbX.

For some reasons I can't see any global airport scenery. (the free one).


For instance when I go to LFEC, I can't see the famous barbecue that I used to see on p3DV3. I can only see the

standard scenery.


Any idea ?


Thanx for your help !

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Thank you for your reply Nick


actually they don't seem to be installed since I can't see them in my scenery folder in P3DV4.


The problem is that FTX Central says they are installed and up to date, the uninstall button is off, how can I install them ?

I have downloaded the .zip but can't install it from FTXC



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Maybe you have not installed them. Go to Orbxdirect.com, sign in to your account and buy the airport pack, even if it is free go through the process like if you were buying it. Then go to your FTX Central and you should see it there and just install it. That happen to me when I upgraded a few weeks ago from v3 to v4, all my paywares were in FTX Central ready to be install but my freeware's were missing. I just went through the process of buying them (for free of course).


Hope this helps


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