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FTX GLOBAL Lights Configurator (V1.30) error?!

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Hello Orbx,


I am having a issue with my install of "FTX GLOBAL Lights Configurator (Version 1.30)"!?

When I go to the "Control Panel" for FTX GLOBAL Lights Configurator in FTX Central, and allocate my preferences...when i click apply I get the following error message?!!?

"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately

Could not find path of the path.


What does this mean and how do I fix it please?  I am doing a vanilla install of P3Dv4 onto a brand new machine...so everything is from scratch.



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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Tim,

the path suggests that you installed P3D directly to your D drive without

a P3D root folder.

Is this the case?

It might also mean that you have not installed a product that

has the new lighting system.

Is the file there?


Hello Nick,

Yes I have installed P3D directly to my D drive.  What is a "P3D root folder"?


I have a look and the file D:\Scenery\Global\Scenery\3D_Light_NEW_DDN_1_5.BGL. is there in that location...!?



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P3D is supposed to be installed in a root folder which could  be "Prepar3D v4". Within this folder the complete installation should be carried out.

P3D is working working without problems if not done this way but you will experience problems for example if you have FTX VECTOR installed. When starting  the AEC Tool (Run Auto-Configuration) it will run endlessly because the software doesn't find the installation.

(This problems has been often reported in this forum)

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23 minutes ago, Dieter said:

P3D is supposed to be installed in a root folder which could  be "Prepar3D v4". Within this folder the complete installation should be carried out.

P3D is working working without problems if not done this way but you will experience problems for example if you have FTX VECTOR installed. When starting  the AEC Tool (Run Auto-Configuration) it will run endlessly because the software doesn't find the installation.

(This problems has been often reported in this forum)

Hello Dieter,


Thank you for your reply. I have gone and uninstalled everything and I will try again!?!




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