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FSX freezes at 6% after installation of Gold Coast City Scene


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Product information

Transaction ID: 5b7c61148095c

Product: CityScene Gold Coast

Amount paid: $17.47 AUD

Purchased at: 2018-08-21 19:01:53

Quantity purchased: 1


Have recently installed several  FTX sceneries (KSAN, KHAF, YBCG Gold Coast Apt, and City Scene Gold Coast) using FTX Central in automatic mode into my FSX. No problems withe first 3. City Scene Gold Coast appeared to be correctly installed and registered.  Initial test flight from Coff's Harbour was satisfactory but as I approached YBCG from the South, FSX froze.  After restarting the sim and loading a new flight at YBCG, the sim froze at 6% terrain and would not go further even after 20 minutes. The problem appears to be with the Gold Coast Scene because when I inactivate Gold Coast Scene in my FSX scenery library, the sim boots up promptly to YBGC.


Here is some additional information.  I have FTX AU installed, along with a number of Orbx airports, as well as OzX.  I deactivated the 5 YSPT files in the OzX scenery folder.  I was not sure what to do next, so I went through the uninstallation of Gold Coast via FTX Central, then downloaded a new copy of the scenery and allowed FTX Central to do its automatic installation.  Same result.  The FSX will not open when YBCG is loaded, but as soon as the Gold Coast Scene is inactivated, the airport opens without any problems.


I do not know how to proceed from here or what other information I can give youl.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.




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Just a thought. In the Gold Coast Airport control panel there are two options.

One to select if you have FTXAU installed. and the other if you have FTXAU and

YBCG installed. I see that you have both so are your settings correct in the YBCG

control panel ? Do hope it's as simple as that and you can get back to enjoying your

new scenery.



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Hello Greybeard and Nick:


Thanks for the replies.  I was aware of the control panel instructions and I double-checked to make certain I selected the correct option. Unfortunately the results the problem persisted.  I did some further test flights. In 1 of them, with both YBCG and Gold Coast Scene installed and enabled, I started a flight in Bundaberg, around 169nm north of Brisbane. The sim booted up and the flight was loaded without difficulty. Shortly after passing YBBN and headed towards Gold Coast,  the sim froze and then crashed to desktop.  Then I loaded another flight at YBCG, leaving both YBCG and Gold Coast Scene enabled.  The sim started loading but never got past 6% terrain mesh.  Finally,  with Gold Coast Scene disabled and YBCG enabled, the sim booted up promptly at Gold Coast  Airport.


(These results were the same as I found after my initial installation of the sceneries; when I flew from Coff's Harbour and during the approach to YBCG, the sim crashed to desktop.) So it appears that Gold Coast Scene appears to block FSX from loading initially and also causes an ongoing flight to crash on approaching the scenery area within 30-40 nm.


In answer to Nick's question, I built my computer in 2013 with the following specifications:  Asus Z87-A LGA, Intel I7-4470K Haswell processor,  GTX 275 with 1796 Gb RAM, 12Gb DDR3 SDRAM.  Windows 7.


I am disappointed and not sure what else, if anything, I can try.  Any suggestions will be most welcome.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Jorvic,

My experience is very similar. FTX AUS with Cairns and Brisbane airports installed. No problems with years of flying including PMDG 737 NGX. I live on the Gold Coast and often fly PMDG 737 from YBGC to YBBN  manually to keep skills up. Hence I usually start up at YBGC 

Installed Gold Coast and Cityscape and even on a low and slow aircraft got scenery with lots of blocks, missing details and freezes/crashes. I too get a very long delay at 6% but within 40-60secs, it does come up. It is missing a lot of detail and is totally unflyable. I did a lot of slider reductions to reduce workload but nothing made any worthwhile improvements. Currently a waste of money waiting for a fix/update or a lottery win to upgrade the PC My system is a retired CAD build operating Windows 7 with i7 and 16Gb of fast ram, a 4Gb NVidea GTX960 with both OS and Sim on two dedicated SSD's. It hasn't had any issues at all up till now.

You are not alone with your issues/frustrations!!  I have faith/expect that the ORBX team will find a solution. I have a lot of their products - Global Base, NZ North and South Islands, Queenstown, Innsbruck, Melbourne and most demo's. This is the only disappointment.

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  • 3 weeks later...


For the hell of it (and a tidy up), I UNINSTALLED all ORBX scenery and airports and re-installed ONLY FTX Australia, YBBN, YBCG and Gold Coast CityScape.

It would fly the PMDG737 NGX low and slow for a while. It did repeatedly crash with OOM errors. The default Cessna was OK and is better suited to sight seeing ( 70-80kts vs 140kts in the 737). I have grouped my reINSTALLED ORBX scenery files using SceneryConfigEditor v1.9 to allow easy changes. Whilst I have a barely flyable result in the 737...it's still a let down and is OFF for my usual operations.

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