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Elevation issues: Pago Pago - NSAU

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I recently purchased the Pago Pago airport product which also includes other Samoan airports. I started with a flight from Faleolo (NSFA) to Asau (NSAU).


NSFA looked fantastic, but I experience elevation issues with the NSAU airport as shown in the attached photo. The rendered scenery floats above the supporting surface and is missing in the ramp area.


The only scenery products I have installed other than Orbx products are a few Toposim meshes and a couple of Aerosoft airports many thousands of miles away. I tried disabling the Toposim meshes with no effect.


I checked in the Global Vector configuration tool Airport Elevation Corrections section, but there is no entry available for NSAU.


How can I further troubleshoot the problem?




NSAU Elevation -Runway - 1080.png

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Hi Ryan, welcome to the forums


Please first confirm the below basics.


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)

Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".







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Hi Doug and Nick, and thanks for the pointers!


Nick: The only other scenery I've ever installed which covers anything remotely in the vicinity is the Toposim Pacific Islands mesh. (I installed this mesh to improve the terrain representation before I discovered the existence of the Orbx Samoa product.) I did try disabling that mesh in the Scenery Library, but I'm not familiar enough with the technical aspects of airport elevation issues to know if it could still be the cause of problems regardless.


Doug: I did update the Orbx libraries to the latest version when I installed the Pago Pago scenery in FTX Central 3. I'll take a look at the Scenery Library and FTX insertion point orderings and let you know the results soon.


Best Regards,




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Hi again folks,


The ordering steps described by Doug didn't change the situation, but in the process I believe I've identified the interaction that caused the issue.


I had forgotten that the fsAerodata add-on data is part of the scenery library. For whatever reason, disabling the "FSAD _Navaids" area results in the much better presentation shown in the attached image. Odd, since there isn't  even any navaid on the island AFAIK.


I'm still not sure this is completely correct since the runway surface presentation seems more basic than the upper surface shown in the image attached to my first post, but certainly a big improvement!


Thanks again for the help.




FSAD Settings.png

NSAU Elevation Fixed - Runway - 1080.png

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Update: the FSAD entries were in the Scenery Library position shown despite setting the insertion points in FTX Central as specified in Doug's post, but I realized I wasn't really following his instructions since these were still below the Orbx entries! I moved the FSAD areas to the top of the library and re-enabled all of them including the Navaids. The airport presentation is still correct with these settings.


Thanks once again!

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