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KSAN v2 weirdness

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I updated KSAN from the previous version.  Please see attached.  It looks like the old terminal shows through.  I've looked for duplicate ADE files, but I didn't find any.


Also, I can't select SOCAL mode on the options page.  It doesn't stay "selected" after I close the options page.  I've also uninstalled and reinstalled the scenery, no change.


Any suggestions are appreciated.

Desktop Screenshot 2018.08.19 -

Desktop Screenshot 2018.08.19 -

Desktop Screenshot 2018.08.19 -

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Hi Nick,


I uninstalled KSAN, rebooted, installed from scratch, and no change.  The default scenery still bleeds through.  This doesn't happen on other ORBX sceneries that I am aware of.  I did check the director you referenced and that folder was removed after uninstalling KSAN.


Attached are two photos - one with ORBX "installed" and the other uninstalled with the default scenery.  How should I proceed now?



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I believe I found a solution to this.


Navigate to Prepar3d v4\ORBX\Scripts. 


There should be a .xml file called:  orbx_cpl_KSAN.xml . RIght click on this file and select "Edit".


Once open, there should be a line that says: <name>FTX Southern California Mode</name>


Below this line, you'll see a list of files all located in the FTX_NA subfolders. For example: <onPath>ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_SCA05_SCENERY\scenery\ADE_FTX_SCA_KSAN.BGL</onPath>


Search for each of these files. In most cases you'll find that there are 2 of them. One will have the file extension .bgl and the other the file extension .bgl.off


If you find there are 2 files, delete the one with the extension .bgl.off


If you find there is only 1, rename it so that it reads .bgl. make sure there are no .off files from that list.


Once you've done this, start FTX Central and open the KSAN Control Panel.


Select "SCA Compatibilty mode" and it should stick this time. FTX Central will rename all the files to what they need to be.


Start Prepar3d and check if it worked.


I was also having trouble with the static aircraft option not selecting. I carried out the same procedure and it worked for that too.


Hope it works for you.

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Thanks to all for your help.  I tried the suggestion from NEOXWB, but it didn't work for me.


Once I uninstalled and reinstalled SOCAL and KSAN (twice actually) all seems to be working fine now.  The old terminal at KSAN is finally gone and the options page for KSAN remembers that I chose the option to use SOCAL with KSAN.


Thank you again for your collective assistance.

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Like Shuband, the fix did not work for me.  After deleting the ".off" files as Neoxwb suggested, I got a fatal error when trying to open the KSAN control panel.  I deleted and then reinstalled first  SOCAL and then KSAN. The "SOCAL setting" now works properly.


Thanks for the help!



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