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Norton Security - does it slow your computer down???


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Hi guys, I've always been using Norton Security since I find it to be quite good, however some ome told me it slows your computer down. Is that right? I currently have a new PC on the way and am wondering whats the best security system to use without compromising performance?



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It is very likely that Norton Security is indeed slowing your system down. Applications like that are constantly scanning in order to thier job effectively, and that takes up valuable computer resources. I am not a big fan of Norton, McAfee or any other type of application(s) like that, as they effectively 'take control' of your system and intefere with the successful operation and installation of many other, legitimate programs. I am much more a fan of a judicious backup plan and vigilant internet/email use in order to keep my PC's secure. This system has worked for me for over a decade without fail.

If you simply must use Norton, at least disable it when installing ANY new program, and disable when running FSX (or any other game or resource intensive app for that matter).

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Ive also been told it slows your system down, i have Norton on my workhorse pc so that does not really bother me as my flightsim pc only goes on line to either register a product or for the installer and of course microsoft updates i only use windows Defender on this a lot of my friends swear by the free version of Avast but i have not used it so cant say, They tell me it does everything that they used to get from Norton but does not slow their systems down any and is not as hungery on the system.



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Guest J van E

Norton is one of the worst programs you can get when it comes to slowing things down, making a mess of your OS, etc. etc. (It still amazes me why so many people but that resourse hog and why so many computers come shipped with it...) If you need an anti-virus program, the best you can get is NOD32. It is good, it is LIGHT and, if you want to, you can shut it down completely simply by opening the NOD32 GUI and clicking on Stop... Sounds simple but try that with Norton... or McAfee or whatever. With FSX you only got two options (imho of course :P ): no AV or NOD32. ;) (BTW I don't have any AV on my dedicated Windows 7/FSX drive.)

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I'll chime in here.

I had used Norton for many years, prior to the release of Norton 360.  My experience is that it is highly invasive in your O/S ... periodically corrupts itself ... and when it does, it won't uninstall without a complex procedure and "tool" from Symantec.

The last time it corrupted itself, I noticed (subjectively) a large boost in computer performance with it uninstalled and "removed".  This and the frustration it caused me once every 6 months led me to look for alternatives.

It does depend how much you want the system to do for you ... I have found !avast Free a good option for my computers:  Light code, frequent updates, subjectively seems to have a good detection rate, relatively easy to turn off, and doesn't seem to slow things much.

It is worth mentioning, that virus programs can be configured differently ... and if yours is opening every file that is accessed, it will pretty quickly cripple your computer, no matter what it is.

If you want an add-on software firewall, then you will no doubt have to add a "paid-for" suite version of whatever you choose, or use Zone-Alarm or similar.  Actually, the combination of Windows defender, and a NAT router seems pretty good for basic protection.

One problem with windows Defender, it is a bit like a factory fitted car-alarm ... because it is standard, most malicious code is going to be written with this in mind ...

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I use Comodo - it is a firewall and anti-virus - you have  the option to install firewall and virus or just firewall or just anti-virus. I have not noticed any performance hits but I also have not done any analysis to qualify that.

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My 2 cents ,

I strongly advise against using Multi facet Programs like Comodo simply because if you do get a bug that slips under your radar it can disable your entire security in one hit.

The ONLY Norton (Symantec) Product I will even entertain giving HDD Space to is GHOST, it is that simple.

My advice use separate programs for Anti-malware, Firewall (don't use the windows one it's a joke) and anti Virus and change often when scanning as these things constantly change.

I use A2Free (AV and AM) from Emisoft, "MalwareBytes Anti Malware" , "Sunbelt" Firewall. , Nod 32 (Firewall OFF). I have done some tests and from the same flight started with programs on and of have noticed NO change in performance. (NOTE: Make sure you Automatic scanning and AV Signature Update is set to do so when your not likely to be doing much on the PC) ie I set mine to run concurrent scans 2 times a week and leave the PC on to do this anyway.

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I'm currently using Norton Internet Security 2010, but only on trial as it came with my Mobo driver disc and I don't think I'm planning to continue it afterwards.

I used AVG Free on my old computer before, and thought about using that on my new rig once the Norton trial period finishes, any opinions here about whether thats any good?



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I have switched to Microsoft Security Essentials. Norton was a resource hog, although I don't know about the current breed. I then ran AVG, but find MSE efficient, with a small footprint, and you can configure it to not scan certain folders. I have set up my FSX and scenery for this.


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AVG Free is an excelent choice for a freeware AV , there are a few that fall into this bracket and IMHO AVG is one of the better ones

Thanks Maurice, might continue using AVG Free after the Norton trial period then as it didn't give me any issues before. 



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Surprised no-one has mentioned Zone Alarm.  I've been using the free version for years, and it just sits there keeping my computer safe from attackers.  Every so often I need to allow a new program or version to access the internet and trusted zone, and it's only a couple of clicks to allow the access.  I still need to be vigilant when it comes to trojans and viruses from emails and web pages, but I've been pretty good at avoiding trouble, and the couple of times a year when I think something has slipped in under the radar I can generally find a demo to scan for problem files.

One trick I use if I think I've been hijacked is to close down all listed programs that have a need to access the internet, and monitor the little icon that shows activity.  If there's a trojan operating it will often show up as activity when there shouldn't be, and that's when it's time to go hunting.

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I don't know if ZA have lifted their game but it used to be a real bastard ,  that being said I personally believe the biggest issue we face these days in communications OUT and Not in .

for this reason I favour Sun Belt Firewall as it allows programs like Zone Alarm does BUT it also monitors what the MD5 check sum was and where the program is so if there are changes (whether malicious of otherwise) and the sam application is run but the check sum is different your are advised.

This is the reason I do not favour one stop shops for security because if you get something bad that has the potential of dropping your security laying you wide open.

The average hacker is not interested in the average home user's PC either, unless they want to use your PC as a relay for attacking some where else.

At the end of the day use what works for you and your happy with.


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