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Lack of detail and ridiculous autogen?

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Hello all,


I have installed global base, vector and openLC Europe but the scenery in London just looks ridiculous.


I'm getting weirdly placed buildings, houses in the middle of London city and railway terminus' that are just a bunch of railway tracks.


Am I missing something or is this supposed to be it?






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Looks like your scenery settings in the Display menu of your sim (FSX or P3D you don't specify) might be set to low or medium.


To see all the autogen (buildings) you will need to set the Scenery Complexity and the Autogen settings to Extremely Dense.  However if your computer is not a powerful one then this can cause slow framerates.


There are many posts on the Internet about how to set up the sim, including recommendations in the User Guide for your ORBX products.

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Hello all,


I am using P3D and orbx openlc and not the england region.


However, I have now increased autogen to max but it seems that the problem still hasn't been fixed.


I am still seeing odly placed buildings and now I have discovered double bridges which is worrying me even more.


I have attached further photos for your reference.


Thank you all for your help so far.




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The screenshot looks normal for FSX/P3D scenery.  This is not photoreal or True Earth scenery so buildings are selected from a library of common building types and placed on the scenery in an automated but not necessarily accurate way.  So, what you're seeing are the sort of buildings you would expect to see in London in groups relating to areas of buildings that are in the real London.  It's the nature of the flight sim program. 


As for the double bridges that are worrying you even more, may I suggest you check Google Earth or Google Maps for Battersea Park and Battersea Power Station, and you will see that the two bridges in your screenshot are actually there in real life.



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32 minutes ago, snoopy1212 said:

I am using P3D and orbx openlc and not the england region.



yes, the idea was to show you the difference.

You are indeed seeing the Microsoft version of London.

Some of the landmarks are there but not necessarily in the right place.

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