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Difference between FTX Base Pack, FTX openLC NA etc


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Sorry in advance for the noob question. So I went on a buying binge today and purchased Base Pack, openLC NA, and Trees HD. You get the drift I'm sure...First, all I can say is wow! I love what I'm seeing. What I need to know is what is the difference between Base Pack, openLC NA, and the specific NA regions like central rockies or southern california? I'm really interested in the Bozeman/Yellowstone airport but it says I need NA Central Rockies. I guess I'm wondering what is the difference between openLC NA and Central Rockies NA?


Again, sorry for the noob question...loving the scenery and figure I might as well go whole hog while it's on sale :)


Edit-Shoot, I just couldn't help myself....just bought 7 more scenery files....God help me and hope the wife doesn't notice.



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Hello jfholer, welcome to the forums.

Nick has explained it very well.

ORBX Product Summary



In a nutshell: Global products affect the whole world. FTX Global range

FTX Global Base replaces the default textures.

FTX Global Open LC products arrange those textures to best reflect the actual topography.

FTX Global Vector corrects coastlines, inland water, roads, rivers and power lines.

Open LC and Vector are both designed as accessories to Global Base and textures will look odd if combined with default textures.


Mesh can be local, regional and global. Its purpose is to best reflect the elevation of the areas that it covers.

FTX does NOT market a mesh product but regions and airports are made based on the standard of FS Global 2010. This product is marketed by a separate company, Pilot's.

Mesh quality can vary, regardless of whether payware or freeware.

Mesh is mesh but how well it is processed determines how good it looks in a simulator.

FTX Regions                         FTX regions affect only the region that they cover.

FTX regions apply all three of the Global features but only to the region, plus bespoke mesh to best reflect the elevation of that region. All default airports within that region are upgraded and there are points of interest added to their correct locations.

Thousands of hours go into the making of a region and all anomalies in the default simulator are found and removed.

No other products are required if a region is purchased but the improvements will be restricted to that region.

FTX Airports            FTX airports affect the airports and in most cases a considerable area around the airport, sometimes hundreds of square kilometres, are photo real with hand placed trees, buildings and points of interest.

FTX airports are in the main designed to work inside the FTX region that they are in.

They will work without the region but may not look as the developer intended them to.

They are modeled to best reflect the actual airport, as seen and researched by the developer.

They will contain bespoke buildings, mesh, textures, features and indeed everything needed to reflect what was there in the real world when the research was done.

There are a few FTX airports that are presently not in a region. These are grouped in the Global range. They will work without the Global products but will not blend well with default textures.

Regards, Nick

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2 hours ago, jfholer said:

What I need to know is what is the difference between Base Pack, openLC NA, and the specific NA regions

First, welcome to Orbx jfholer!


Nick's detailed explanation looks spot on.


Orbx's FTX Definitive Guide has detailed descriptions of how scenery works (starts on page 17) and a bunch of comparison screenshots

It also talks about the different types of Orbx products and page 31 explains the difference between the Orbx "regions" and their Global products.


Here are a couple screen grabs from the guide related to your question:  (The resolution is better in the guide itself.)




Here is a link to Orbx's FTX Definitive Guide:




Regarding mesh, PILOTS no longer sells FS Global 2010: FTX Edition.  Their web site says that it has been replaced by FS Global 2018.

Personally, I use FreeMeshX which suits my needs just fine.  (Plus it's free!) 



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