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Night Textures Showing in the Day

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I know this is a topic discussed before but, I have tried various fixes as described below without success. The area depicted is just west of Trondheim. Sorry fopr the poor quality, it is a picture taken on my phone from a projected image. The black triangle bottom right is part of my cockpit and not part of the image.


This happened after I updated a programme called Black Marble (BM). I have completely disabled BM but the problem persists. According to the BM developer this is a Orbx issue not a BM issue (I don't know myself).


I have reinstalled FTX Global, Vector, LC and libraries  and as I mentioned BM is not activated and is off in the scenery library. The order of Orbx sceneries in the scenery library is as it should be i.e below all other sceneries with FTX above LC.  Frozen Lakes is turned off.


Any ideas please on how to fix this?


Thanks very much






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Hi Gents,


Thanks for your suggestion and guidance.


I have deleted the shaders, carried out the terrain.cfg fix and reinstalled Global Base, Vector & LC. Still the problem persists.


I have switched from day to night and back, no change.


With or without Black Marble the problem persists.


I have checked other areas such as UK and the same issue is present.


Any other ideas are very welcome.





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19 hours ago, egkkman said:

I have deleted the shaders, carried out the terrain.cfg fix and reinstalled Global Base, Vector & LC. Still the problem persists.


Hi Dave

You missed to mention the libraries here... are they also installed?


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Hi Carlos & Doug,


Yes I did reinstall the libraries, sorry I forgot to mention this.


I have found a troubleshooting guide written by Poppet. I have decided I'm going to work my way through the guide, step by step to see if I can solve the problem. Whether it works or not I'll report back here in due course.


Thanks for trying to help, I do appreciate it.






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Hello I am have similar problem in that my water (lakes and rivers) are black. At the same time the lake will have city night textures and even land textures super imposed over them. I read that I could deleted the library files and re-download them but I don't know where to find that file. I could not find it using the description above. Here is a screen shot of what I am seeing.


Thanks Mike Stout

Screenshot (7).png

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Thank you Carlos! It was as simple as you said. I have had CRM for about a year but in the mater of a few days I added Jackson Hole Bozeman and Eagle County. I left Bozeman and flew into my home airport of KBOI and saw that Lake Lowell was alive with night textures and black squares. I did not look at Holger Sandman's answers but I will save it for later..


Thank again Carlos



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Very sorry for the long delay coming back with results, it took a while to sort out.


I followed Poppet's guide, starting with the migration of the textures. Now I have to confess I had not used this facility as I should. The reason was because I associated it with the migration from FSS to the Orbx shop and assumed as I had done this it was no longer needed. Perhaps I was being a bit slow on the uptake but I think this could be more clearly described in Orbx Central.


Anyway, the migration did not work I had missing files.  This was very odd since I had reinstalled LC, Vector and Base files. After reinstalling all Orbx scenery and retrying the migration this problem was solved, why it did not work at first I have no idea. However the texture issue first reported was not solved.


I followed Poppet's tutorial and in the end had to reinstall P3D Client, Content & Scenery and all Addons and Orbx to solve the problem.


I don't know what the problem was but assume something loaded in textures that were not compatible for whatever reason. I know this is not helpful but what more can I say?


I'm still tweaking to get things right but at least the problem is solved.


Thank you for your guidance much appreciated.





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