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Big Bear L35 Runway Issue

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I have done everything possible and still it persists .. I cant remove this green over lay runway. No other L35 installed at all.....If I remove 0202/APX16190.bgl it fixes the problem but...then I lose  KPSP ( Palm Springs) as it shares the same .bgl file. There must be another way surely ??

Please help anyone that has seen this before..I know I have seen this exact same problem in AVSIM but there was no solution offered there at all :(

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using the Orbx files for this airport, I am unable to replicate any features of this error.

I have tried disabling the elevation adjustment file and moving the scenery library

entry all over the library. The airport stubbornly refuses to look anything like yours.


Did you also own the Turbulent Designs version?

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Thank you Nick for making the effort.

I had  theTurbulent version   previously-  -which I uninstalled and then deleted every L35  file I could find in search -- then installed the FTX AA version.

The only file out side the  FTX AA  L35  Folder ---is now the "Scenery/world scenery/    L35_ADEP2_TRB_ALT.bgl  which I understand is a required file.

I shall keep trying and thanks once again .

Regards Greg




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