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Ftx global and europe open lc

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I am having trouble installing openLC europe and ftx vector.

I keep geting error messages when I install them from the ftx central. On both.

I have tried the manual download as well and still get error message.

 I had a problem with base package but that was to do with multi thred downloads that installed ok and i still have multithred downloads disabled.


Vector transaction 58ad8271083a5

OpenLc Europe transaction 58ad82a0349bc


Matthew Ruseel

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Unless you change it, FTX Central uses the windows temp folder, which is by default on your C drive.


I would suggest that you opt in to the Fastlane and update FTX Central to version

On the settings page, you will see the option to choose the temp download location.

Change this to a drive with enough space and your problem may well be solved.

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