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KLAS Elevation issues (Stock P3Dv4 scenery)

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Hello everyone!


I am experiencing the dreaded KLAS elevation issue in P3Dv4. I do not have SCA installed, nor do I have FSDT KLAS installed at the moment. I tried all of the fixes that I found in the forums, yet nothing is working. 

In regards to ORBX, I have all of the Global packages installed and all of the North America region sceneries installed with the exception of SCA and Alaska. 

I used to run FSX-SE on this computer and the fixes I found in the forums did solve the elevation issues with FSX-SE. However, those same repairs are not working for me in P3Dv4. Is there anything else I can possibly do to solve this issue? I am already having problems on the stock scenery for KLAS before even installing FSDT. 


Thank you in advance!

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Hello, thank you for the response! 


I decided to do a complete P3dV4 reinstall and only installed the Global and the Vector package into the sim. There are no other addons installed, and the elevation issue is already present. Attached below is a copy of my scenery.cfg. 


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it would appear that:


1. there is a small problem with FTX Vector AEC and the default KLAS which results in the default

airport appearing to be slightly sunken with AEC enabled. This should not be the case, but it is.


2. It would also appear that disabling AEC for KLAS fixes this problem.


Please have a careful look at this short guide





1. To enable AEC, simply select the ICAO code in the right hand column and click on Enable instead.

Then perform stages 5, 6 and 7.


2. If there is apparently an elevation error, change the airport from which ever column it is in to the other column.

Note that not all airports are in the Vector database, if one is not, there will be no ICAO code to select and the 

elevation error will have a different cause.


3. Note that you can create a profile, Save Profile as.... If you do this, your chosen settings can be restored at any time,

Load Profile...

The profile is by default stored in the FTX_VECTOR folder. You may wish to back it up elsewhere in the event of a

re-installation being necessary.



and if you wish, also at my reply to an exasperated FSDT developer.



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