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Germany South corrupted/displaced textures

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Hey everyone,


After I finally got Germany South installed, it seems like I did something wrong. After it was installed, it wasn't in P3D automatically, so I did install the files manually. But I only found the file "packages" from 5-8, so I think that the missing packs are the reason for that. Does anyone know, where the packs from 1-4 are? I didn't find them in the P3D - Orbx folder. 





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Hi Aushilfskraft,


You should read this post in the german speaking forum so that you understand how to install Orbx sceneries and how they are automatically backed up in which order.

There are no packs 1-4. This name has existed for 10 years, at that time Australia was born and these packs were needed at that time.


Cheers. Friedi.

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Thanks a lot for your fast answers! But I mean, why are there still these displaced textures and there aren't even streets, so the cars just drive through grass. My problem is, that it would cost me so many hours to install it, because of my fabulous connection. So I wanna make sure, it can only be fixed by downloading it again. Or is it still a mistake by me with sorting the files? 


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Please install the Orbx Libraries, they are located in FTX Central 3 as shown in the example image circled in red below. Orreinstall the Orbx Libs by going to your FSX\Orbx\User Documents\Versions folder and delete the "FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS .txt" file, and then reinstall the Libraries from FTXC3.




Also, please read the below topic on how to properly install your products.  :)







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