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L35 & OrbLib installed - now unable to start p3d

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Tonight I installed L35 Big Bear and the latest OrbLib and now my P3dV4.3 will not start. All was fine before this. During the OrbLib installation it hung at 99% for the better part of an hour. I finally did a restart and when the computer booted up it immediately tried to start P3d without any input from me. I checked the file validity through ftx central and they show everything installed fine.


I'm unable to proceed as I don't have the faintest idea where to go from here. I emphasize that P3dV4.3 was running just fine before these aforementioned installs.

Suggestions would be most appreciated



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I reviewed the link you sent me and tried a couple things. This time the "generating scenery file indexes..." stalled at 96%. Other times it stalls at the P3d splash screen.

Also my sim upon starting the computer automatically starts P3d.

As this problem did not exist before the L35 transfer of licence, deleting it, re-installing through FTX central, installing OrbLib it would seem there is an obvious conflict somewhere along the way in this process between ORBX and Turbulent but I am not smart enough to figure it out.

I am starting to be concerned that I may have to remove my entire P3dV4.3 installation and start all over again. This will take weeks if it is required.


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I did not know what to name it to so I chose: scenery.cfg1   .....then restarted P3d.

I just tried removing "Prepar3D v4 Add-ons". Then ran the "Delete Generated Files" and restarted.

I have reinstalled the Turbulent L35. I have no idea how to remove L35 from FTX Central.

Where do I find the Scenery Library in order to uncheck L35 if I can't statrt P3d?

By the way, I do appreciate your help here.


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If you rename the scenery.cfg file and restart P3D, a new default file is created and then you have no add on scenery

except any that might have been added using the P3D add-ons method.

This should allow you to start P3D.

If you have P3D v4.3, then you can access any other add-on scenery from the add-ons tab on the "scenario" page.

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This may seem like a silly question but what should I rename it t?  I tried renaming it to scenery.cfg1. Restarted and this file as renamed is still present. Or, should I just remove it totally?

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P3D only recognises scenery.cfg.

It doesn't really matter how you rename it but the 

convention is scenery.cfg.off.


You should expect it to be still there, the idea of renaming it is to

1.hide it from P3D so that it creates a new one.

2. keep the file in case it can be used later.


Assuming that you have not yet done so, please leave the file as scenery.cfg1

and restart P3D.

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I have followed my own advice and P3D immediately creates a new scenery.cfg file, reads from it,

generates the scenery library indices etc and opens the scenario screen.


I must assume that either you are not doing the same or you might have other scenery installed using

the P3D xml method that is causing your problem, do you have any other scenery that is installed in this way?


If you are not sure, take a look in your documents folder and Prepar3D v4 Add-ons and tell me what you see there.

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Okay...... First I renamed the scenery.cfg to scenery.cfg.off. Restarted and this same file is present and no new scenery.cfg is present that i can find.

Sim now hangs up on the splash screen.

Prepar3D v4 Add-onns is empty...(I cut and pasted the original with my add-ons it out of P3d earlier in trouble shooting...I can re-insert it if/when required.

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I replaced the Prepar3D v4 Add-ons folder back in "documents". Enabled all the add-ons. Now hung up on the splash screen. No new scenery.cfg present...only the scenery.cfg.off is present. The scnery.cfg(off) is empty as was it before renaming it to "off".

Again, thanks for your patience.

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By doing what you have done, you have excluded all your scenery from P3D and deleted every configuration file that could have been modified,

though the lack of any change does seem to suggest that changes have not necessarily been made.

Try reinstalling the P3D v4 client only.

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No error messages. Still hangs up at splash screen. original CFG back.

Statement of events leading to this problem.......

Notice of turbulent L35 now being distributed through FTX Central and moving of licence to FTX central. Licence moved.

Turbulent L35 removed. Re-installed through FTX central. All appeared normal.

Then latest OrbLib installed. Hangs up at 99%. Let it go for the better part of an hour. Still hung up at 99%. Reboot computer.

P3dV4,3 now will not start.

I suspect there is a problem with the latest OrbLibs with the Turbulent library that happens during install.

It appears, Nick, that we've tried everything possible to fix this without success.

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Thanks. I’ve rolled it back to 4.2. By the way the reason for sourcing other forums was to access other potential solutions. I invested 10+  hours on this without success. There are numerous threads on the LM forum with start up problems.  Right now short of a complete reinstall of p3dV4.3 I am not sure there is a solution and even then there’s no guarantee the problem will not surface again. So as to trying 4.3 again I am undecided.

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I had this exact problem. Uninstalled L35 by control panel, P3D hung on startup. Uninstalled and reinstalled Turbulent Terminal, still hung, deleted generated files, still hung. Managed to fix it using Scenery Config Editor. https://sourceforge.net/projects/fs-sceditor/files/ It said I had San Diego missing. Possibly this was part of the P3D 4.3 content upgrade, I only installed client. Completely speculating but as soon as i deleted the scenery the config editor said it couldnt find, P3d loaded. hth

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On 7/8/2018 at 4:07 PM, MateloT said:

I had this exact problem. Uninstalled L35 by control panel, P3D hung on startup. Uninstalled and reinstalled Turbulent Terminal, still hung, deleted generated files, still hung. Managed to fix it using Scenery Config Editor. https://sourceforge.net/projects/fs-sceditor/files/ It said I had San Diego missing. Possibly this was part of the P3D 4.3 content upgrade, I only installed client. Completely speculating but as soon as i deleted the scenery the config editor said it couldnt find, P3d loaded. hth

Glad it worked out for you. I was fine until L35 and the latest OrbLibs. I tried everything suggested and that I could find in the way of solutions but was not successful in fixing things. This is not a reflection on ORBX or Turbulent but it was beyond me to fix. Many thanks to Nick here at ORBX for his assistance. After 10+ hours trouble shooting I rolled it back to 4.2 and low and behold.... all is well and everything works. 

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Yup, same problem. It was after migrating the TD L35 to ftx central and then update with the orbx library that all hell broke lose.  My solution was to roll back to client 4.2 and everything works great except for some floating hangers  at L35. Its too bad though because now I re- inherited the bugs that goes with 4.2....

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On 7/14/2018 at 12:29 AM, st1300rider said:

Yup, same problem. It was after migrating the TD L35 to ftx central and then update with the orbx library that all hell broke lose.  My solution was to roll back to client 4.2 and everything works great except for some floating hangers  at L35. Its too bad though because now I re- inherited the bugs that goes with 4.2....

I hear you. I'm back at 4.2. I'm like you. All was working fine till I had the same experience as you. Something is conflicting for sure that does not appear fixable short of rolling back to 4.2.

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Update: After I rolled back to version 4.2 I was still using 4.3 cont and scenery. All of my orbx library files were subsequently updated. I then re installed 4.3 client. Now, everything is perfect. With the exception L35 with some floating hangers.  My synopsis as follows:  I think there was some kind of glitch with the library object flow during the last library update. 4.2 / 4.3. It is the common denominator if you read the conflicts that are being posted at the various forums. See if that works for you.

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I too had this problem. Installed L35 and my P3D hung up on the splash screen. After an hour of messing with different things I raised the white flag and deleted EVERYTHING and started over. I know it’s a bit extreme but after uninstalling L35 my sim was still acting weird so I simply started with a clean slate. 

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