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Night Textures During the day

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Hello, I am using P3D V 4.3. I only have ORBX FTX Global & Black Marble textures installed. I am getting random night textures showing through, seems to be only in mountainous areas , see attached pic. Any help would be appreciated. I have moved the ORBX entries in the scenery library around to the top & and so forth & still get the same textures randomly.



Rob Felger


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Hi Doug, I already did that, sorry. I have uninstalled & reinstalled everything twice. Cleared out the shader cache each time, it only goes away if i uninstall ORBX & revert back to the default. Also my ORBX libraries updated & now the scenario load times are very slow on the Autogen & adjusting scenery texture portion, not a good day



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Have you run the "Force Migration" option in FTXC3 settings?


Also, please go to your ORBX\Trouble Shooter folder and run the "Migrationtroubleshooter.exe" and post the results here.


You could also attach a copy of your active scenery.cfg for us to have a look at...

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HI Doug, See below for migration results: Ill attach the Scenery & the P3D config files.




Orbx Migration Troubleshooter
    Australia                                         NOT INSTALLED
    Central Rocky Mountains                           NOT INSTALLED
    England                                           NOT INSTALLED
    FTX Global                                        MIGRATED CORRECTLY
    Ireland                                           NOT INSTALLED
    Northern California                               NOT INSTALLED
    Northern Ireland                                  NOT INSTALLED
    Norway                                            NOT INSTALLED
    Northern Rocky Mountains                          NOT INSTALLED
    New Zealand North Island                          NOT INSTALLED
    New Zealand South Island                          NOT INSTALLED
    FTX Global openLC Europe                          NOT INSTALLED
    Pacific Fjords                                    NOT INSTALLED
    Pacific Northwest                                 NOT INSTALLED
    Southern Alaska                                   NOT INSTALLED
    Southern California                               NOT INSTALLED
    Scotland                                          NOT INSTALLED
    Wales                                             NOT INSTALLED
All region files exist.
All files valid, MD5 hashes checked.



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Hi Doug, I followed the steps & removing the AM setting fixed the loading issue, but the weird texture is still there, Now I think its P3D related as it was still there after uninstalling FTX global & Black Marble.

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