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CTD at same place every time. Terrain.dll

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I am just flabbergasted at the quality of your response to a frankly very valid point. 


UK 2000 and ProSim all have had a look at my files to see if anything major is wrong. Orbx? No chance. 


You might be interested to know that I thought I could fight fire with fire and purchased and installed EU Scotland. Guess what... No crash. 


There is no doubt Orbx Base is or was the issue here and the developers of Orbx have not been forthcoming in at least trying to find the issue in a way that is sensible given the uniqueness of the problem. 


It doesn't matter though, Orbx got another $54 of my money so it's all good. 


Very very disappointed and I'm sorry you fail to see the importance of dealing with your customers individual 'exotic' problems. 

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FTX Global Base is a set of replacement textures and is therefore extremely unlikely to be the cause of your problem.

Looking at the FTX Global Base files would have no real purpose, they share the file names with the default files that they replace.


If you are telling us that the installation of EU Scotland has cured the problem, while that does not address your original problem,

is it now worthwhile to continue to pursue it?


By the way, one of the definitions of "exotic" is "of a kind not ordinarily encountered" and Larry's usage is exactly correct in this context.

We have tried really quite hard to help you with the "uniqueness of the problem" and gone to some lengths to point out the difficulties.

Should you wish to ask for a refund for the FTX Global Base product, please uninstall it and refer to this topic when submitting a support ticket.

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while you were having the CTD was it always at 15000ft or did you try varying flight levels, had you switched on Options - Show Vehicle Labels, which as Nick said would show possible A1 traffic in the area and did you switch all Options Traffic to zero to eliminate them ?

I never thought before but I do have Scotland installed but not UK2000 or Prosim.

As a test I flew the Phenom over the route, it requires an aircraft capable of 2000+ fpm climb to acheive 15000ft at BLACA, again an incident free flight into Glasgow.

 I hope all your problems are over now with the addition of Scotland.



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