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Missing airport buildings Orbx Norway in P3Dv4


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I need some help troubleshooting why some buildings are missing as you can see in these screenshots (location of the screenshot is included in the filename): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11RntzsXku9vZWfK5nFG8_ccXtgoG8tPt?usp=sharing (had to upload to Google Drive because imgur account creation currently just leads to a 403 error page...). I included my game settings. The migration troubleshooter result is ok. In ENAL1.png you see floating objects which should normally be on the roof I guess. I included EDDF, too, because I also own Germany North + South and I'm not sure if some buildings are missing there as well. Not all screenshot might show problems, I just included some more because I'm not sure what's missing as I can't compare it to the way it should look like.


As you can see in the screenshot ENALFSXSE.png everything looks as it should in FSX:SE.


After I bought Norway I initially installed it for FSX:SE and then I installed it for P3DV4. So I thought the problem could be caused by that and I uninstalled Norway in both FSX:SE and P3Dv4. After that I installed it in P3Dv4 again so that it downloads all files again (downloaded several Gigabytes of files so I assume that it was downloaded completely again). Problem was still there. Forced Migration, too, but that didn't help. I thought about installing the Orbx Libraries again but I found no way to do that.

The only scenery addons installed at the moment are: FTX Global Base Pack, FTX Global Europe, Germany North and South, Norway. Apart from that it is basically a clean and fresh P3Dv4 installation. I always used FTX Central and never tried any manual installation.


Do you have some ideas what I can try next?


Thanks in advance!

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Yes, under Orbx Libraries it says "This product is installed and up-to-date!". 

2 hours ago, roanbu said:

I thought about installing the Orbx Libraries again but I found no way to do that.

I meant "reinstalling" here. Sorry, I could have been more clear there!

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Try this please:




1. If FTX Central v3 does not automatically update the libraries, you can go to

ORBX\User Documents\Versions\ and delete FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT .

Run FTX Central again and only the files that you need will be downloaded and installed.



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I found a way to get it working. Not sure if that is how it should be done though. I installed the addon organizer for p3d by Lorby-SI. The FTXAA_ORBXLIBS was set as "not active". I set it to active and saved. Now everything looks as it should. I've never changed anything before in there.


Should FTXAA_ORBXLIBS be set to active?

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The libraries are required for all the Orbx scenery to work as intended.

If the files are are installed but the simulator has not been told where they are,

they might as well not be installed at all, as is the case with any scenery.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a similar problem.   I have all the ORBX Norway airports installed.     But at ENNK and ENNO the airport buildings are flat or missing. The other airports are fine!

I have P3DV4 and have updated ORBX libs,  FTX Central, and checked the boxes for Object Flow.   I've also arranged all add-on airports above the FTX airports as suggested.


Any ideas!



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Thanks Michael.   I use FTX Central and P3DV4.2       I'm not ready to go to V.3 yet because I have so many add-ons that would have to be reinstalled.  There's got to be another solution because the other FTX Norway airports work just fine.   Puzzling!



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John, so either you install the patch from Nick Cooper's thread above or you go to P3Dv4.3. You do not have to reinstall anything, just download the client from the Lockheed Martin page, uninstall the old client and reinstall the new client. Finished. I did not do any more.
There is also help in the Lockheed Martin forum.

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Ok guys, although I had the latest ORBX Libs  I had not clicked the "Verify Files" tab and that did the trick. All buildings are there!

Michael thanks for your suggestion on V3, I'll give it a try.


Thanks to all of you!



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