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ATC disabled in P3D v4.2 can't communicate with tower and keyword commands are not obeyed

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I would like to report an issue with ATC


I previously was able to communicate with the control tower by opening the menu through my keyword and pressing the corresponding number in the ATC menue for the desired option.


I also have FTX EU airport pack, AI traffic from SAPI and  the AI traffic Australia and NZ by Orbx (But there is something unsual in the behaviour of his feuture, Ill explain below)


Now my ATC window shows up when I request it but kind of greyish. When I press the numbers to communicate the sim does nothing, and in the top of the menu it reads ATC disabled...


Please see this video here, even using the default plane:




Now the strange behaviour of AI traffic by Orbx for Australia and NZ.


In the menue FSX/P3D default traffic when you tick this option as shown bellow :




It does tick it, but when you open again FTX Central and come back to this same control panel the feature is unticked... wonder if this has something to deal with the message on the ATC of ATC disabled...


Please refer to this video prove:



So far I am able to use the ATC feature.


At some stage thought if was AI traffic SPAI fault but all of those planes work, lots everywhere and I like it a lot, so this program seems to be working fine.  I don't know what happened but before I was able to use the ATC feature in P3d v4.2


I've tried several "fixes" found in the internet but none works, nothing solves this issue.


Can you assit here please?





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Carlos,  This ATC problem you mention is a bug in V4.2 and is known to LM and has been pointed here on the forums.  I'm running V4.1 with no problems and am waiting for LM to fix this before I install the next P3D update/fix.




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Hi Stewart

Thanks for replying.

Yes I've heard/read a bit about it but though maybe Orbx could be of assistance, mainly with the issue of their feature in the AI Australia that doen't remain ticked


Thank you!


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