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Long pauses / freezes when using Vector

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I wanted to extend this to the OrbX forum, after having come across a Vector specific issue that a few users seem to echo, where they appear to be experiencing the exact same phenomenon. Here's a link to the original thread on AVSIM. The issue is, at some specific points, which I'm sure there are many but I've found a few where I can consistently recreate it, my entire simulator seem to suffer from these 5-10 second freezes. After having completely uninstalled the sim to find the culprit, I eventually narrowed it down to Vector.


The second I uninstalled Vector, Prepar3D was running like a champ, sans the usual one second stutter when loading payware airports, but no long freezes whatsoever.


Here's one of the quick demonstrations I posted over on AVSIM;




As you can see, that's a pretty long freeze, which can happen quite frequently in some areas. Especially flying up and down the US west coast, then it gets really bad. And in the demonstration above, I'm running with all the graphical sliders set to their lowest setting. Nothing is loading, no buildings, no airports, I'm flying around an empty desert and it still happens the second I hit the coast, heading out to KAVX. Also, nothing in Vector is enabled. Not using AEC, believe I unchecked every single feature, so it was just the barebone Vector data running.


What is curious though, I've had Vector since 2016 and used it extensively and certainly don't remember this being an issue previously. This issue didn't really crop up until after Prepar3D v4, I didn't really take notice until 4.2 dropped, though I haven't flown enough in 4.x to properly confirm when exactly it happened. I also briefly used it when 4.2 dropped, on different hardware, on an older Windows installation and saw the exact same issue. Now I'm on a brand new PC and a fresh installation of Windows and I'm seeing the exact same thing.


Just curious if this is an issue you're familiar with, or someone else have experienced?


Unfortunately I'm going to have to give up on Vector as long as the issue is ongoing.

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The best approach to this situation I found is to manage your scenery  and only use what areas that you are flying in and disable the rest. I have also found that disabling vector when in regions cured all the pauses in those areas for me. Josh

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I experienced the same symptoms, but thought that I had narrowed it down to FSUIPC saves. When I turned off save function, my sim (P3Dv4) ran fine. Wrote Pete, we discussed, I tried things, but no avail. Then W10 April Update hit me along wth the new nVidia update to the latest update and lo and behold, my next flight was flawless. Flying second one now and I don't even know when FSUIPC saves. Hopefully it will solve a lot of peoples problems.

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BBQ Steve. Just from past experience I no longer do Nvidia updates, most of which are geared towards gaming issues anyway. Unless it's sim specific I leave well enough alone. Haven't done an update in over 2 years; just asking for  potential problems. My  2 cents worth.



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I experience exact the same long pauses of ca 5 seconds during the flight. Happen at the same area's. Apparently there is a lot of data to be exchanged between systems (CPU is always over 95%, I don't see GPU upscaling so it is data to CPU memory transfer or somewhere in that system).

Pauses extinguise after uninstalling Vector.

I don't use FSUIPC.

My system sould be able to perform well. 7700K @4.4 GHz, 16 GB, GTX1080, P3D on SSD.


A bit akward that the developers don't react anymore on questions concerning their software. ORBX should interfere, as they sold the software. Hiding behind the developers is not the right way to react.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Also going to give this a bump, as I'm considering coming back to P3D. What's the status of this? I saw an update was pushed back in November that didn't mention any performance related issues. Has the developer surfaced again, is he aware of these issues? has it possibly been fixed?

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sometimes, Vector can cause coastlines to be much more detailed than the default.

This can introduce very many extra waves, if they are enabled and sometimes cause problems.

One such instance was a long standing complaint about Clacton (UK)


This was the solution to that, it could help elsewhere.



It must be worth a try.



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Hey Nick,


Thank you for the reply.


I installed it again with Vector, then did a few passes around previously problematic areas and I can happily report that it does indeed seem to be fixed. So it looks like I'll be going ahead with the P3D installation. Thanks. 

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