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Water texture over land

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I have been reading the forum to find a solution to my issue and after trying the insertion point + migration + reviewing my scenery library, I believe I've done all I could. Still, I usually see water textures over land, particularly on mountains. Screenshots attached. Appreciate your help!



















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Hi Nick,


Appreciate your prompt response. Yes, I tried. Downloaded the terrain.cfg from that post, replaced mine, opened FTX Central, opened P3D v4.2 , but the issue still persists. Any other ideas, please?


Thank you!

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Hi, did some additional troubleshooting today. Followed the "Prepar3D v4 Tutorials and Orbx Troubleshooting" (Index 3 / Item 5 - Water on Land) and deleted Shaders folder, SceneryIndexes_x64  folder, terrain.cfg file and Scenery.cfg file, but the issue is still there. However, I've noticed the seasons are affecting it.  All seasons, except summer, generate a similar issue.


I really appreciate any ideas.



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Hi Nick, I had uninstalled and reinstalled the South America open LC through FTX Central (w/o excluding any files directly from folders), but the issue still occurs. It only disappears if I select summer. I cannot find an option to uninstall the orbx libraries. Please let me know if I did something wrong or if you have any other ideas. Many thanks! 

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this is how to reinstall the libraries and the method can be used for every other product too.




1. If FTX Central v3 does not automatically update the libraries, you can go to

ORBX\User Documents\Versions\ and delete FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT .

Run FTX Central again and only the files that you need will be downloaded and installed.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,


the openLC series depends on a correct installation of Global Base. Perhaps somehow its textures got corrupted, thus I'd suggest re-installing Base.


Also, make sure that you don't have any third-party landclass active that may not be compatible with openLC (though it doesn't look like you have on your scenery library screenshots).


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,


Many thanks!! The 'water textures over land' issue seems to be solved after re-installing Global Base from FTX Central. However, I found another issue that seems related to light somehow. Some border areas of lakes are black in distance and 'light up' when flying closer, becoming normal textures. Any ideas for this issue? Screenshot below is from an area just close to EETN.


Trees HD also presented a strange behaviour of light /in these areas, that change as I get closer / farther (noticeable in the screenshot). 



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for the dark shapes in the water, please go to the Vector control panel and disable"Frozen water in winter".

For the trees, you are not seeing HD trees at all.

This is because you have selected "Dynamic 3D autogen vegetation" in your P3D settings.

If you wish to see HD trees, you should uncheck that box and restart your simulator.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Nick. Found this issues between KMIA and KTPA today. Any clues? I thought I had solved them all (no significant changes to addons or configuration in this period).









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No luck. I gave one try by deleting 'FTX_GLOBAL_BASE_PACK.txt' (have not selected uninstall in FTX Central, though). Central reinstalled it,  but errors persist near KMIA. Screenshots below.





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