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True Earth Netherlands


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I have the latest Orbx libraries installed.

I have FTX Central 3.3 installed.

I purchased Netherlands True Earth.  It only took 1:45 mins to download.  But I have spent the last 24 hours trying to watch FTX extract the file info. And to NO avail.


This morning after watching FTX stall and freeze at 98% extraction,  I stopped that and manually downloaded the file.  That took over an hour.  Once downloaded, it took a few minutes but the extraction took place.  I use Winzip.


But now, there is NO installer icon or instructions to start which file first in the installation.


Awaiting instructions Thank you,

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Well, I followed the "manual" instructions.  As much as I love Orbx products, this is the worst.  I manually downloaded the Netherlands True Earth file.  Ran the download configuration per the instructions. After a few minutes, I got a "SCANNING" notification.  I went to pick up my kids from school only to find on my return that FTX Central is trying to Extract the files again.

I suppose this will mean that it will then have to install.


This is NOT efficient.  This is NOT how software is suppose to work.  How do I know?  My son is a software developer with a degree from Arizona State University.  He said this is not very well thought out.


Being the user and always happy to buy Orbx products because they have been the best.  This is a SET-BACK.   It should not take 24 hours or more to install scenery.  And I have plenty of space on all my HD's,   over 12 GB of RAM and 8 GB of video ram.  Latest version of Windows 10.


ITs not my configuration nor my nor my anti-virus because it is turn off.


Nick.......  tell the people in the big house this is not good.


I'll wait for your or anyone elses reply.  Then I guess I'll write a ticket.  I've been sitting at my computer for over 30 minutes watching the screen say "Extracting 30%"   Hasn't moved at all.  And this is the manual download.......



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Yes, it takes a while to download and install., but there are warnings about this posted. I downloaded through FTX Central 3. I found the longest period to be the extraction and installation procedure. It took me about eight hours from purchase to flying, but I'm on the Australian NBN.


I certainly can't agree with the above comments.

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8 hours ago, badapple said:

This is NOT efficient.  This is NOT how software is suppose to work.  How do I know?  My son is a software developer with a degree from Arizona State University.  He said this is not very well thought out.


Could well be but I downloaded AND installed TrueEarth within 2 hours. So it's not that things have been designed badly: something else must be going on. And with software 'something else' can always happen. ;) And that 2 hours include a failed download after 35 GB. As soon as the download was completed it took some 10 minutes before I could fly: I could actually see the progress and wait for it. (I do have SSD's though: I think this really help with this.)

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Good deal JvanE.


An update to my story.............


   AFter 37-39 hours, (don't know for sure, I was sleeping) it is installed.



I really don't blame the software although one would read my post and think so.  The real problem lies in the servers and speed of the host server for Orbx.

I am no way an expert on Australia, but I have quit a few friends who are simmers that have told me time and time again that the Australian government restricts speed and band width to everyone and everything within the country.  Its like ancient DSL so they say.   I am sitting here with 100Mbps connection trying to commucate with what essentailly is a dial-up type of connection.  So go figure...........  slow downloads, packet losses and no bandwidth to sustain anything in mass.


I think the majority of users of Orbx products are in the United States.   I don't think it would cost that much to have an American server setup and running for the quick and bulky files.

Again the cost may be such that it might cost someone a job, that wouldn't be good either.


But I feel something should be done to improve the communications "overseas" by Orbx.   They produce the best product in the world like I have already mentioned.  But the delivery of that product is just wrong.  I would like to think that it is not Orbx. That they would love to be on the same "speed" as the rest of the world.  And I do believe it is the Australian government that is repsonsible because I have bought and downloaded products from other developers around the world and have never had this problem.


Just my two cents.



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