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What's its name again

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Hello, Fellow Wrinkles.


Alright, I'm the wrinkly one sorry.


The grey matter is letting me down, well I am one of the really older ones's so no wonder.  Anyway, I'm darned if I can think of, or find the name of the writer or patch name who's program you purchase and it removes those black squares in the scenery. I think it costs $30 odd dollars.


Can someone please give me a reminder, thanks, gentlemen.


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A better choice would be to get Lockheed Martin's P3Dv4.2.  None of that old FSX nonsence needed!  And, it works at 64x so no frame rate worries.


Before any ultra sesitive soul gets their knickers in a twist, I'm not advertising, just recommending a far better simulator than we've ever had.





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