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P3Dv4 and AYPY and TAP

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Recently switched sims from FSX to P3Dv4 and noticed a lot of issues with the AYPY addon and a few with TAP.


AYPY airport itself seems fine, but several of the regional airports have a lot of problems, like AYCH having an altitude problem, but Vector AEC fixed that, but also a highway going across the runway, and AYGR either locking the sim up and having to force close it, it causing a CTD if I fly near it, or it blue screening my computer if I try and load at it.


Also, I couldn't find any of the 10 bush strips so I checked the PI AYPY scenery folder and didn't see any AFCADs for them.


Only other thing I noticed with all the other addons I have from ORBX is that FNE and ONB from TAP don't work either, with the runway at FNE appearing as a pyramid making it unusable, and the runway at ONB having a hard slant to the east making it impossible to land on.



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On 4/14/2018 at 4:26 AM, SteveR said:

Also, I couldn't find any of the 10 bush strips so I checked the PI AYPY scenery folder and didn't see any AFCADs for them.




The folder you reference should contain all the .bgl files for the bush strips.





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I did see the .bgls for the locations (efogi, kagi, boridi, etc) but none of them in that area appear in V4. There's nothing between AYPY and AYKO where they are supposed to be.






I cross referenced the locations here:



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10 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Guy's


Do you have the PNG freeware mesh and AYEO Emo Mission installed?











I noticed the mesh issues with default, the Holger mesh, and some 19m 3rd party mesh and the problem is the same with all of them.


Also, I just checked and I have AYEO installed, but it doesn't appear in the sim. It's not on the map, not coming up in a search, and not showing up in the active FTX scenery list either.


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3 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



In your account the PNG Holgermesh only shows installed in your FSX, and not your P3Dv4.  :)






Yea, tried it with the Holgermesh and with the others and I had the same problem with all of them so I went with the higher resolution one. Jut reinstalled it an checked and same problems.


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On 4/23/2018 at 6:38 AM, SteveR said:

This isn't resolved, the bush strips still don't exist and the issues with the regional airports is still there. 

Found 1 bush field have nice work will look for the others another time.


A hint for you,  read the PDF included with the AYEO Mission found after reading it.


I could give you the coordinates but what fun would it be in that! :rolleyes:

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