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faded Textures

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Hey there,

I installed EDDT from Aerosoft and after I changed some settings in game this was the resault.. as you can see the terrain next to EDDT airport is faded and there is a cut and moreover there are two towers and the old buildings. I think it has to do with the order in the scenery library but I don't know... I tried to fix the order (EDDT to the top) but it didn't fix the problem with the terrain but with the two towers and old buildings..

Could someone please help me to solve this problem and beware me of a complete reinstall of everything?

I am using Orbx global, openLC Europe, Germany North, Trees HD - NO Vector!

Thanks in advance.







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the advice in the linked topic is valid for all simulators and would be also valid for anyone's addon version of EDDT.




DEACTIVATE: (by renaming from .bgl to .off)

>>> in \ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_GEN_05_SCENERY\scenery






your problem seems to be with the Aerosoft product?


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1 minute ago, Nick Cooper said:


the advice in the linked topic is valid for all simulators and would be also valid for anyone's addon version of EDDT.



your problem seems to be with the Aerosoft product?


Okay, perfect I will try it!

Could you please tell me what will change when I deactivate these files?

Are there anything which is not shown anymore (buildings, someting on the airport... etc?)


Thank you so much so far!

You are great!


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4 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


removing those files will probably only solve the double buildings.

Please try it but if the airport and surrounding textures still look wrong

to you, I think you should be asking Aerosoft.

Okay I tried and the terrain looks not nice but better...

But now my plane sinks into the apron... omg.

I will contact Aerosoft but I guess they will not solve my problem... I am not the only one who is using ORBX and EDDT for P3D V4.. so why I can't find anything on google about it!?


One more thing.. I think I took the scnery library in a wrong order yesterday.. so how to fix the order?

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Okay guys I will reinstall everything :'(

The strange thing is.. first I guess it worked well but after using the new (higher) settings it caused these issues and bring my scenery library in a wrong order...

So just to make sure, at the reinstall: should I first install all ORBX products and after that EDDT?



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