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Widescreen monitor stretch?


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Hi all, i've been thinking about getting a 22 or 24 inch wisescreen LCD to replace my bulky 19 inch CRT.

Does the widescreen aspect have any effect on what you see in the VC? Like, does it look like your sitting further back from the instruments cause you can now fit more cockpit in your screen?

Hope that makes sense for a question.

Also, how do 2D panels work with widescreen? Do they get stretched? I remember reading yonks ago that there was a fix for that.

Cheers for any answers :)

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Its not the size per say its more the resolution the higher the resolution the more u'll be able to see on the VC etc. As for 2D panels go something like the Cessna 172 panel only has a resolution of 1024x768 so if u have a monitor that has a resolution of 1920x1200 the image is going to be stretched across the screen, it might not all the time depending whether its freeware or if its a high quality payware panel.

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Does the widescreen aspect have any effect on what you see in the VC? Like, does it look like your sitting further back from the instruments cause you can now fit more cockpit in your screen?

A widescreen monitor will be fine for the VC. Yes, you will see more horizontally and you may need to vary the zoom, but FSX handles widescreen monitors sensibly and doesn't stretch anything. The exception to this is the 2D panels, which seem usually to have been designed for 4:3 and will appear stretched when docked with a 3D view (the default). If you undock the 2D panel it reverts to the proper aspect ratio and doesn't fill the width of the screen. You can, of course, resize the 2D panel to suit.

Regarding the effects of zooming and sitting too close to the panels, there is a parameter 'WideViewEnable=True' that you can set in fsx.cfg. This is primarily for ultra-wide displays such as the TH2GO produces but I have heard of people setting it for 16:9 or 16:10 monitors too. All it seems to do is adjust the range over which zooming is permitted. With the TH2GO it is sometimes not possible to zoom out far enough without having this flag set.

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Cool, cheers guys, those answers help.

So what do ya reckon? Settle for a 22 inch or go for a 24?

22's are pretty big but I was just thinking that 24 might be a bit much to look at.

Well, I just recently upgraded from a 22" to a 28" LCD widescreen and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! So, I say go as big as you can afford.

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