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No Trees at EGHP

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Following my recent purchases during the ORBX sale I have noticed an issue with EGHP Popham.


No Trees....the airfield is barren of any trees on both sides of the road and around any buildings! Having driven past Popham in real life I can assure you that the airfield is not at all visible from the road. ..I have dipped into other forums and picked up on some good advice and things to try by so far to no avail.


I have ORBX FTX Global & FTX EU England & FTX HD Trees installed as well as most other ORBX England airfields without any issues.


The FTX library insertion point is set up correctly with FTX entries at the top of the scenery library (all other third party scenery is grayed out as its installed using the 'new' method in a separate folder outside P3dv4.2)


The OPEN LC entries are set below FTX


Use ObjectFlow 2 is checked in the FTXCentral settings and enabled is checked in the Add-ons box from the P3d menu


I have so far tried to uninstall and reinstall EGHP

changed my graphic settings in p3d so far autogen vegetation is on extremely dense and max draw distance

I have no other EHGP files on my PC other that those in the ORBX folders

The EGHP_ADEX_GRJ_ALT.BGL file in Scenery/world folder had been set to .OFF and then back to .BGL (Both have no difference)

I have run the Vector AEC tool clicked apply at the end and have tried it with both EGHP enabled and disabled (Both following the install and reinstall of EGHP)


I must say that I have now spent several hours on trying to get this scenery to work and have hope you can suggest a fix. I am resigned however to the fact that I may be that for some mystical reasons that EGHP simply does not work on my system! which would be really sad as all other scenery by ORBX does.


Fingers crossed you can help







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The only other UK airports installed are

UK2000 EGPK Prestwick
UK2000 EGCC Manchester
UK2000 EGKK Gatwick v4
UK2000 EGPD Aberdeen
UK2000 EGGD Bristol
UK2000 EGNX Easy Midlands
UK2000 EGTE Exeter
UK2000 EGNT Newcastle
UK2000 EGMC Southend


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Hi Nick,


As they are all installed using the 'new method' i.e. outside the P3d v4 folder I removed the relevant UK2000 add-on.xml folders from my documents/Prepar3dv4 add-ons folder including common libraries but again to no avail. 





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Just to let you know in approx 12 hours I will present myself to my local hospital for an operation which should see me out of action for  72 hours up to 2 weeks!!!  so you have time to ponder my predicament however I am very keen to do some VFR flying with this scenery...I really hope we find a solution. Please keep suggesting things even if I take a little longer to reply Its not that I am ignoring you.



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  • 2 months later...

Hello Nick

If it is useful I have all of those airports installed and I have plenty of trees in the area as per these pictures:







By the way what a beautiful scenery yoiu made me discover today! Animated people even! Like it a lot


But I did noticed a strange tecture approaching the airport as per here below:




Looks like forced to fit.






Now I recently had an issue with Norway. I installed Vaeroy from Aerosoft and all my lakes near Oslo (so far away) and in other areas disappeared. I discovered this by disableling all of the Norway addon. Flew to Oslo and started to activate them until Vaeroy was found guilty. Then learn Aerosoft issued a fix which I found here in Orbx. So maybe you could do the same so you'll discard all your addons.


Another thing, I know UK2000 has updated all their products to fit P3D v4 and Orbx, none of the ones are causing conflic but please be aware of the following:


UK2000 EGPK Prestwick (requires UPDATE_1.51)
UK2000 EGCC Manchester (requires upd_2.11)
UK2000 EGKK Gatwick v4 (requires UPDATE_4.02 and also has a DynLightOption in a separate installer)
UK2000 EGPD Aberdeen ( Has a DynLightOption)
UK2000 EGGD Bristol (requires 3.32_update & also has DynLightOption)
UK2000 EGNX Easy Midlands (requires UPDATE_1.21 & has DynLightOption)
UK2000 EGTE Exeter (no updates)
UK2000 EGNT Newcastle (UPDATE_1.11)
UK2000 EGMC Southend (no updates)


Do you have those updates? If not maybe that could be a reason to the problem. I am not expert but updates fixes issues and conflicts...


Good luck



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