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Flickering ORBX Airport and Lights


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I would appreciate your assistance with the persistent flickering issues I am having with orbx's lights, airports and trees. As I approach the airport, I see nothing but flashing objects and lights. my hardware is the following:


i7 2600k (4.5 overclocked processor)

Nvidia GTX 580

16GB Ram


I think my computer should be able to handle ORBX addons. I have global, vector, Europe LC, America LC and Innsburck Airport. What is causing the flashing?

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Yeah, asking people to get a new graphics card is not a good solution. I have the latest with the absolute best bench marks and I still get the flashing textures. Developers need to be responsible and own on it by telling people that if they want addons (nice sceneries) they have to live with texture issues.

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No offense, Mate, but the GTX 580 is hardly state of the art or "the latest".  Asking people to get a new graphics card to run P3D is good advice.  Witness the several posts in these forums which would agree.  I myself ran P3D with a GTX 770 for several months before taking advantage of a sale and bought a 1080 FTW.  The improvements were immediately noticeable.  There is no good reason to "live with texture issues" if you're willing to upgrade your system.  If you're not, then, yes, you learn to live with texture issues.

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