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No terminal buildings

Stewart Hobson

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Since a C: drive crash and reinstall of Win7 and P3Dv4.1, I have no terminal buildings at these PNW region airports:  KPDX, KSEA and KEUG.  The jetways are there, just no terminal buildings that connect to the jetways.  Other airports outside PNW with jetways are not affected.  ObjectFlow 2 seems to be working properly otherwise.  Any suggestions what might have gone wrong with my installations?  Only PNW seems to have been affected (so far).

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Hello Stewart,

the buildings at KSEA  come from the default North America scenery.

The others, I think are also default buildings.


You might check first that the files and scenery library entries are in place.

Here is KSEA with Western North America disabled.



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That doesn't sound good.  Can you suggest what those scenery library entries might be, and if they are missing, are we talking about a re-install of P3D?  I've been having these little annoyances ever since my system crash--even had to reinstall P3D, but perhaps I botched the reinstall, too. 

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All right, Nick.  The problem is solved.  Your observation about Western North America being disabled was the clue.  Several P3D scenery entries were disabled, among them Western North America, which was causing the error.  Obviously, operator error at fault!  Thank you for your suggestion--it saves me a complete re-install.  Whew!

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