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Tassie VFR Part I *Many shots...May cause long loading time*

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Hi all,

After FTX was released I spent some days flying heavies in Europe and US. Now I'm back in FTX land and checking out my VFR skills.

I started at Hobart airport (YMHB) and flew south over South Arm Beach, over the lighthouse and then towards Bruny Is. where I did a touch and go.

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I then continued north towards Barnes Bay where I turned west to Coningham. I then followed the Channel Hwy(B68) to Margate and then followed Sandfly Rd(C622) up to Huon Hwy. Once there I had visual with Sandfly airfield where I landed for a quick change of aircraft.

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After re-filling my coffee I took off and headed East towards South Arm again, overflying Kingston.

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This time I landed at the beach to grab me some of the food from John's BBQ.

After a quick bite I took off heading east towards Sloping Main and then Dunalley before flying to Lagoon Bay, the final leg for this aircraft.

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I did avoid crashing into those birds in the last shot... :D

Part II - Available Here

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Guest Aussieman

I know this will probably cause uproar but John could you please impose a limit of ten shots per post. Even though I am on broadband my load times for screenshots is slow. 22 shots in one post is too much.

No offence Stian they are great shots.

I can imagine how people on dialup feel.



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As long as posts have a warning in them, I am alright with it, we are in the 21st century and I think that limiting screenshot amounts for dial-up people does not benefit the majority of users. Heck, the other day I mentioned dial-up in front of a colleagues kids and the youngest asked what dial-up was :) Ah, the innocence of youth!

Now where did I put that record player again ;)

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Great sequence Stian, and nicely framed shots as always.

@Pat - no we won't be limiting the number of shots. What I do with these image-heavy threads is go read email while the post is loading or view another thread without images in it. Before you know it, it's all loaded and you can enjoy the show.

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