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ORBX EU England + EGHP Installed & Not Working

Peter Short

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Today I purchased both of these packages and downloaded / installed via FTX Central. Initially I still had other packages installed including Just Flight UK VFR Scenery Volume 2 and UK2000 VFR Airfields Vol.1.


On loading FSX starting at Popham, I could see the new EGHP scenery, but with some strange and sudden height changes in surrounding scenery. Unable to remove these completely with scenery options I removed the other extra packages. Then I reinstalled via FTX Central. Now I have no Popham airfield. There's no ORBX in the World - Scenery options so I don't see how to add it in. The files are there in E:\....\FSX\ORBX folder. I have not got as far as checking out the England scenery, but from what I can see sitting at "Popham" suggests it is also not loaded. I see the same whether I load FSX on screen or via FlyInside to the VR headset.


Please can you help?


CPU: Intel Core i5-3579K @ 3.40 GHz


OS: Windows 10 64-bit

Graphics: GEForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB

VR: Oculus Rift

FSX: Steam


I also tried to do a direct download so I can look at the packages but I got a page not found error.






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Thanks Nick. I have done option 2 and now have Popham scenery. It looks really good. I've done a quick circuit but the scenery looks more like autogen than the screenshots. It's been a long day so I'm switching off now and will pursue in the morning. An obvious missing feature is the Charles Church runway just off the end of Popham 26, plus the A303 turns green away from the airfield! Probably more tweaking somewhere... It's almost as if Popham has loaded but the rest hasn't. It is all in the World Scenery Options list with Popham at the top. It did screw up FlyInside but I got that back now too.



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I've now had time to examine the area around Popham EGHP. Whilst it looks like the EU England scenery is loaded, there are some inaccuracies to real life. There are buildings where there shouldn't be any, and the Roundwood Estate strip is completely missing. Attached screenshots of the simulator and Google Earth show this clearly. You can see that the grain silos beyond the 26 threshold are there, together with the roughly arrow shaped field with rape flowers. Beyond that it's wrong and fields the other side of the A303 is not portrayed asis.


So the question now is this: Is the scenery package correctly loaded or not? The web site description says "Every square kilometre of landclass has been painstakingly hand-crafted " so I would expect this feature to be present. It's been there for 30 years that I know of. The VFR Real Scenery I was using before showed this feature correctly. If properly loaded then can this be taken as a report for improvement. If not, any ideas please? All scenery sliders are at max except autogen, which is half. Thanks.




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Hello Peter,


Yes, I am seeing what one should expect of the EU England product.


I fear that your expectations of this type of scenery are a little unrealistic.

If you want to see very detail of the topography, then you should continue to use photo scenery.


A search of the Internet for Roundwood Estate strip reveals pretty much nothing which

is possibly why it is not depicted.

I did find this: 



POPHAM:Roundwood Farm-(1 mile NW Popham airfield) private airstrip at 51.11.47N/01.15.54W .N/S grass runway.


and I don't think that there are any private farm strips included in the EU England product, just as the sites of disused World War Two

airfields are not included, as addressed in another topic recently.


I expect that you are aware of several now very old freeware projects that do depict a multitude of Farm Strips and Gliding Clubs.

They were made for Fs2002 originally but work more or less well in FSX and probably not in P3D v4.

Even they, though a comprehensive collection, do not include Roundwood Farm

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Hi Nick. Thanks for the confirmation. I guess that means that this package is being over-sold. " Every square kilometre of landclass has been painstakingly hand-crafted and all our textures are tight annotated with autogen including custom objects like phone boxes and churches. You will truly be able to fly low and slow over England for the first time and feel totally immersed no matter what season or time of day. You simply cannot miss FTX England! ". It does not say there are no private strips or disused airfields but it does say it includes phone boxes, which raises a level of expectation.


My problem I guess is this - for 30 years I've flown out of Popham around Hampshire and surrounding counties, most times navigating to other airfields without recourse to the map. In my VR environment I need to do the same and see what's there, I certainly don't need to see what's not there in real life. There are buildings all over the place where they shouldn't be, so it often becomes impossible to know quite where you are. I don't navigate by phone boxes, in fact I can't remember ever seeing one from the air ever. Now I've hung up my headset I'd like to continue this flying pattern as I settle into armchair flying. What you are telling me is that I can't do that with this package.


Is it possible to combine this package with say the CIX UK package to get the 3D realism and accurate land features? If not how do I go about getting a refund? And how do I persuade the powers that be to show what you don't get, before you buy? The web site promises so much, but falls short of what's needed.




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Hello Peter,


I have read the product page again and I don't see any overselling.

Landclass is not capable of the kind of faithfully accurate representation

that photo imagery is and even photo scenery can only show what was there

when the image was acquired.


As you have intimate knowledge of the area, I would think that the photo scenery

that you already have is best suited to what you want to do.


I am afraid that I don't know what CIX UK is.

If you wish to ask for a refund, please submit a support ticket.

As to the powers that be, a careful read of the product page reveals that there is no

promise that the customer will be able to see the level of accuracy that you expected.

I do think that within the limits of the simulator, it is, to use that dreadful phrase that politicians

like so much, "fit for purpose".

It's just not fit for your purpose, whereas photo scenery clearly is.


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Hi Nick. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I suppose many flight simmers have never flown comprehensively over an area so the superior appearance will suit them well.


CIX VFR Club has a free UK scenery download, which is very good but a bit flat in places.


Refund requested, as you know! Thanks for your help.




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Thanks Peter.


I have "flown" over my house in EU England only to find that both it and the village are not there.

However, the road through is, as is the larger village a mile or so away and the small town three miles

in the other direction.

Both of the nearby active airfields are accurately placed and both have the adjacent industrial estates.


The area, like yours, is clearly recognisable and the level of accuracy is right up to the maximum that can be

achieved with this type of scenery for all manner of technical reasons that I only understand some of.

If I want to see my house, I can in photo scenery but only as it looked in 1999 and even then the later small housing

development over the road remains a disused pig farm, so there is still a compromise to be made.


I did once fly over my house years ago in real life with a friend of mine who is an avid pilot but the flying "bug"

left me alone and although I could go any time I wish with him, I have not done so since then. 

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Hi Nick. Orbx has agreed to a refund, and I am about to reinstall FSX from scratch and put the photo scenery back. A clean install should help me get things back to where they were.Thanks for helping me through that.


I think we'll need to agree to disagree on the 'overselling' thing. I re-read the About page, which talks about combining aerial photography with landclass. Given I had no idea what landclass is (just read up a bit on it today) I believed the scenery would be more than what it actually is. I agree the quality of the image is excellent, but it would be really helpful to relative flight sim newbies to add the caveats to the sales pitch. (I have dabbled in MS Flight Sim since the first ever release, and still remember when Popham was on the wrong side of the A303. I never got into it very deeply though).




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