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Cache Problem V4.1

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Hello GermanyGreece93 


Here are some additional maintenance steps you could try 


This will not effect any of your 3rd party software Add On's


You will just need to adjust your graphic \ scenery settings again to your preference via Prepar3D > Options when you delete the Prepar3D.cfg file  


Delete the following 3 generated files and folders.  These will generate again when Prepar3D is launched next 


1) Prepar3D.cfg file.    2) Shaders folder.    3) SceneryIndexes_x64  folder.    
Copy the 3 set's of Tex below and Paste them into your windows search bar, One by One and click on the result,  this will bring you directly to the correct locations


Right click and Delete the Prepar3D.cfg file

%APPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4



Right click and Delete your Shaders folder 

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4



Right click and Delete the SceneryIndexes_x64 folder    Not the Scenery.cfg file 

%PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3


After you complete this launch Prepar3D and test

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Just tried the above mentioned method but I am still having the problem.

My average GPU memory is 3500MB - 6000MB (used)

I am also receiving now CTDs with different aircrafts ( PMDG, CS, etc)


Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Prepar3D.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x59d67e95
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ntdll.dll, Version: 10.0.16299.192, Zeitstempel: 0x6dead514
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000374
Fehleroffset: 0x00000000000f87cb
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x290c
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d398527f2c9122
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: F:\Prepar3D v4\Prepar3D.exe
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Berichtskennung: 779d3c1d-fa8b-4120-8a89-06251fc48090
Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: 
Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: 


I have attached my P3D Settings (to add: using 4k resolution)








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Your settings are very moderate to your card ... you can certainly turn up a bit more .... did you install the latest nvidia drivers?


Have you installed new hardware or new programs before the error occurred? The 33 fps relieve the card enormously ... otherwise without limit, the card is quite hot..., do you have 3 screens and use a home Cockpit check also the Hardware... 


Let's give a try...!


Ted :-)

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Hi Ted,


yes I have installed the latest nvidia driver, also no new hardware/program has been installed.

I am using 3 screens with different resolution (Prepar3D is on my primary screen 4K)

I have also tried limiting the fps within the simulator but that did not help.

I also noticed that I am loosing fps when limiting the frame rate e.g. with active limit 50 I am getting 22, without limit I am getting 30




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48 minutes ago, GermanyGreece93 said:

I also noticed that I am loosing fps when limiting the frame rate e.g. with active limit 50 I am getting 22, without limit I am getting 30

Did you limiting by Prepar or by a externnal Tool like RivaTuner or NV-Inspector.


When I limited frames by Prepar, that is also. By external it works perfect.

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Which update from Windows 10 version is installed on your PC? 1709?


I'm sure is not a problem with your p3d Settings. I think the module is the Problem. In such cases it is always good to have a backup of your C Partition from Windows.


The causes of ntdll.dll error messages can vary greatly. However, most ntdll.dll errors result from a corrupt or damaged version of the ntdll DLL file itself, corrupt hardware drivers, or issues between Windows and other programs.
Ntdll.dll errors can sometimes mean that a piece of hardware in your computer is malfunctioning, but this is rare.
There are many different ways that ntdll.dll errors may be displayed on your Computer.


I once had a similar problem in another program with a dll module after I had replaced the dll it worked in my case again.


"Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Prepar3D.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x59d67e95

Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ntdll.dll, Version: 10.0.16299.192, Zeitstempel: 0x6dead514
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000374
Fehleroffset: 0x00000000000f87cb"


Try to Download a new ntdll.dll at your own risk.  You can find the file for example on this website of DLL-Files.com. Click on the "Download ZIP-File" button below and copy the DLL file into the folder "C: / Windows / System32".


!!! Backup the old ntdll.dll file just in case






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thanks for your reply.

I dont think that this could be an hardware failure. (tested my hardware with a tool and the problem only happens in P3D)

Changing the module didn`t help.

What I noticed: When loading a flight my sim pauses at 6% for a while and then continues to load the flight.



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26 minutes ago, GermanyGreece93 said:



thanks for your reply.

I dont think that this could be an hardware failure. (tested my hardware with a tool and the problem only happens in P3D)

Changing the module didn`t help.

What I noticed: When loading a flight my sim pauses at 6% for a while and then continues to load the flight.



this is not an error because in the beginning the MESH files are loaded in P3D - it pauses for a few seconds - I have the same when I start P3D....



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Did you follow the tipp above and delete the shaders folder and prepar3d.cfg? This sometimes really helps. Personally, I always clean the shaders after every GPU driver update. And after each installation of any bigger addon (Scenery, Mesh, Aircraft), I also delete my prepar3d.cfg and start with a new one. So far, never had big issues using this approach...

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Hello GermanyGreece93


What Add On's are you running,  Aircraft,  Utility's and Scenery ? 




I understand you have updated your graphics driver but did you Tick the Box for  "Perform a clean Installation"   when you are prompted the option during the Install process to Insure a clean driver Install ? 


Alternatively you can use a driver cleaning utility like  Driver Display Uninstaller to remove your old driver 

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After you deleted the  terrain.cfg did you  (In this order)  


Launch Prepar3D and then Close it down again


Then launch the FTX Central control panel and wait a good 10 \ 15 seconds ?   This will reconfigure the Orbx terrain entries again. 


After you do this launch Prepar3D and test





Try this step to eliminate this...........


Reinstall the Orbx libraries.........


To Reinstall the  "Orbx Libraries"  Delete the version text file located below


Prepar3D v4 ► ORBX ► User Documents ► Versions ► FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT


Right click and Delete this file 






Then Launch the FTX Central control panel, this action will prompt you to reinstall\update Orbx Libraries  (Bottom left corner) 



After you do this launch Prepar3D and test






Also To eliminate an Issue with your scenery layering can you Copy the contents of your Scenery.cfg file and Paste it into your next post 


Copy the TEX below and Paste it into your Windows search bar and click on the result,


%PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4


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Your scenery.cfg file looks fine to me.  


You could disable (Un-tick)  several of your scenery Add On's at a time starting at the top and then test Prepar3D ?   


You have a lot of 3rd party scenery,  Maybe Un-tick them all and just leave Orbx scenery and then test Prepar3D ? 




Your Issue could be a hardware problem,  at this stage I don't know,   but the quickest way to get to the bare bones of this problem is to flush your generated folders and let Prepar3D generated these again when launched next


I understand you have a lot of Add On's so you could try these steps.............


Rename each of these folders below,  Just like I have,   Right click and Click Rename,    Rename them to anything really,  I just put Off at the end as an example


When you launch Prepar3D,  5 new folders will generate again as default,  This will temporarily disable all your Add On's from Prepar3D and reset your settings back to a default state again,    But your old folders will stay there (Turned Off)


If these steps don't work you can just Delete the new generated folders and then Rename the original folders back to  Prepar3D v4  again,  This will reverse everything  



1)  Rename each of these folders below



Documents ► Prepar3D v4 filesOff \ Prepar3D v4 Add-onsOff

Local Disk (C:) ► ProgramData ► Lockheed Martin ► Prepar3D v4Off 


Local Disk (C:) ► Users ► You ► AppData ► Roaming ► Lockheed Martin ► Prepar3D v4Off


Local Disk (C:) ► Users ► You ► AppData ► Local ► Lockheed Martin ► Prepar3D v4Off



To locate these folders, Insure the box is Ticked for Show hidden files, folders and drives in File Explorer Options



2)  Launch Prepar3D,  Pick a default Plane,  Adjust your settings up slightly to your preference and complete a quick flight and test Prepar3D.   Are you seeing this Issue yet ?


It is Important not to go any further until you launch Prepar3D and test after remaining these folders,  We need to know if this Issue is present now ?  



3)   We will now Activate your Orbx Scenery.  Launch FTX Central and wait until you see a message on the bottom left of the screen  "Activating Orbx scenery"  this normally takes about 10 \ 15 seconds.   This action alone will Activate all your Orbx scenery again  (And in the correct scenery order to)  


Still in FTX Central,  Click Settings  and under General tick the box for   "Use ObjectFlow 2 in Prepar3D v4" and click Save


After this,  Close FTX Central 




Now at this stage you have cleared your generated folders (Clean)  and have Just Orbx Scenery Activated in Prepar3D 


Launch Prepar3D,  Pick a default Plane,  Adjust your settings up slightly to your preference and complete a quick flight and test Prepar3D


Note:  Don't pick an Add On plane to test because by renaming the folders you have Turned Off the Add On Modules in the dll.xml files  (PMDG)



Please try them steps and let me know if this works so far and I will talk you through the rest of your Add On's    


As i said if this does not work you can reverse all of this again by following my first comment 


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Regarding the Intense blurring,  did you fly long enough to Insure your original problem is now good ?     https://ibb.co/mnEzzG


Also,  I forgot to ask,  Have you manually overclocked your system ?  If so,  bring it back to default clock again 




Regarding the Autogen,   Have you adjusted up the sliders in Prepar3D > Options - World  Scenery Objects  ? 


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