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LOWI Taxi lights


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I´m using P3D v4.1 and the excellent ORBX LOWI.

The taxi lights are much too dark compared to reality


ORBX LOWI in P3D v4.1



Nightshot from real LOWI



ORBX LOWI P3D v2.5 a little better



I hope, you can help me to fix that problem.



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Here is a closer view. The Runway lights are glowing - the Taxilights seems to be missing the glow.

Actually I can hardly find the right place to drive away from the runway in cockpit view.


@Nick Cooper and yes, I know that photographs do not correctly reflect the reality depending on the exposure.

I chose this shot because it accentuated the blue lights particularly well.

In P3D v2.5 these lights were displayed correctly, but now in P3D v4.1 they were no longer displayed correctly.


I've been working as a commercial vehicle maintenance mechanic at an airfield for years. That's why I know that these blue lights are intense and bright and therefore very visible, even in ground fog.


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G'day Tauro,


Thanks for the pics and the suggestions. The taxiway lights at LOWI are intentionally low-intensity, and are certainly dimmer than the runway edge lights or the red building hazard lights. You will note that, as per real-life, the taxiway lights at the runway end turning bays are about 200% brighter - in line with the runway edge lights. As Nick points out, the exposure of real-world photos will accentuate the lighting far more than is natural, and will differ completely depending on a camera's settings.


That being said, your HDR/lighting/PTA settings will affect all night lighting in P3Dv4, and may account for the differences you see between that sim and v2.5. Have a play around with these settings and you may find a brightness better suited to your needs. For example, here is a pic from my setup earlier in the year from P3Dv4 (open image full resolution to get the correct effect). 




Hope this gives a little more information for you. 




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even a new installation of lowi did not bring success.
 Let me return to clarity.
I don't have the flash data. I only have the lamp textures.
I don't have any other versions of P3D and can't compare them.


@ Jarrad Marshall

Yes, it looks good on your picture, you can see with increasing distance that these lamps have light effects, because pure textures would not be visible on these distances any more.


maybe someone can try that out, with a close-up of such a blue taxi lights.




btw: in KORS there is a blue gleam on the ground, but the corresponding taxi lamps are missing completely.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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in your picture you can see the blue lights shining in the distance, not in my picture.

If this is also from P3D v4.1, it can't be LOWI.
Where can I start my search?
No matter which graphic settings I try, I can't get the taxi lights in the distance to light up.

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I found the problem.

LOWI Control Panel

Primery Runway Lighting Options

Bad-Weather All-Day-Lighting - not working correctly in P3D v4.1  - Object-flow addicted ?

The Option Night Lighting Only - Defaults works well.



I am happy now and thank you for your quick support.


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