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Can't install Meigs into Aerofly

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My FTX Central shows me only the options P3D v4 and P3D v3. So I can see only the sceneries I have bougth for P3D v4 and P3D v3 in the previous month. No option for Aerofly FS 2. So I don't know how to install my newly bought Meigs Scenery into Aerofly FS 2. What are my otions?

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to Can't install Meigs into Aerofly


welcome to the forums.

I will take a guess that you have the Aerosoft DVD version of Aerofly FS2.

If this is the case, please see this new topic that I have just created to address the problem.

It contains the fix.



If you have the Steam Edition, it must be run at least once before any registry entries

are created and it must be fully updated to the latest version.

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Yes I have the Aerosoft DVD Version.

The recomendet path in your fix C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Orbx\Simulators ends in my Local-folder. There ist only a Microsoft-folder inside the Local-folder. I can't localize an Orbx-folder nowhere. 

Can't solve the problem.



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Problem solved.

I have found the Orbx-folder by checking the properties of the FTX-Central link. So I could find the path. Interesting that it is the samepath you gave me, but before my browser didn't show me the Orbx-folder.

Download is running. I am happy. Thanks! Merry Christmas!

Regards, Stefan

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