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No world changes after installation ORBX Libraries and FTX Global Iceland Demo

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Problem with DEMOS. After successfull installation ORBX Libraries and FTX Global Iceland Demo I can't see any changes when I started to fly (from and to Reykiavik). Only one change observed you can find in attached screenshot. Lamps look like hudge black squares now ;( What was wrong during installation?My FSX:SE is completely new installation and I just have just installed one DLC(VFR POland NW Add-on). It works properly.
Thanks in advance


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when you have followed Doug's advice and no longer see the black boxes, perhaps you

will then be able to see the enhanced Iceland demo version of Reykjavik airport that is pictured in your screen shot.

You might also be able to see the Hallgrímskirkja that is not there in the default scenery but can also be seen in your screen shot.

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