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KMRY Scenery Issue

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Hi All,

purchased KMRY and let FTX Central install. Opened it in FXS and the scenery has huge holes in the ground and flat buildings and items at different elevations. I have ORBX SC & EN and they are fine. I checked to see if I had another scenery package for KMRY in my list and I do  not. See the attached picture for what it is generating.


Any help would be appreciated.

Order No. 5a36f2d2a1d07


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Me again, I miss spoke when I said my UK scenery was OK. I had uploaded the FTX Central indicated updates to my scenery before I loaded the KMRY stuff and now my UK scenery is not displaying right. One or two houses are OK, the rest are flat.

Here is the picture: upBqNJt.jpg


Maybe something in the update messed up all my ORBX stuff.


Anyway that is what I have, Ed

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G'day Ed,


If you're ever unsure of what the product requirements are for any airport, this info can be found at the bottom of each product page: 




In the case of your UK scenery, this is not related at all. Increasing your FSX autogen slider will add more buildings and vegetation. 

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Thanks Jarrad,

I am, therefore, disappointed in orbx, for the first time, that this is not at the front of the ad; not in an adendum. Next time I will be more wary of buying from orbx.


The UK issue only occurred after I did the update; the slider has not changed from when I first bought the UK stuff, so it should not have changed. So my conclusion is the the update did something. How can I change back to the prior configuration?


Thanks, ed

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Interesting, I am trying to uninstall the KMRY product via FTX Central and I click the uninstall button and then, twice now, it downloads the program and reinstalls it. How do I uninstall this product? It may  be the reason I can  not make my UK software work. I will not be buying the CA scenery, so I need to get rid of the KMRY stuff.


Is there a trick to the uninstall feature?

Thanks, ED

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OK, well I deleted the KMRY stuff from FXS scenery library list manually and so it looks back to normal there. The UK stuff appears to be back to normal. I do not no what the bad actor was, but I think I am good to go. 

As a retired guy on the dole, it was an expensive lesson learned. 

As a note to others read all the way to the bottom of the  page before you spend dear money.


Thanks for the help, Ed

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G'day Ed,


I'm very sorry that you feel disappointed about this - we do try to make every effort to ensure that customers like yourself are aware of airport requirements, including clearly marking the product pages as described. Airports that build upon an FTX Region product (or in more recent years, a Global Base product) has been the underlying model of our product range for the past 10 years. If you are interested in learning a little bit more, there was a recent discussion about this here


Regarding your UK region, could you please set your FSX autogen slider to the max (ie all the way to the right) and post a screenshot from the same rough position as the shot you posted previously? This will help indicate whether anything needs changing. 




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