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ILS at KSTS Sonoma

Jack Sawyer

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P3Dv4.1 - Is the ILS not working at KSTS?  Runway 32.  I first look at my GTN750, it showed a freq, despite being in the proper mode in the GTN, VLOC it did not show on the indicator.  So I went to P3D's Map view and it showed the same freq.  I forget what it is now.  Anyone else see this?  Thanks.  

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4 hours ago, Adam Banks said:

Working fine for me, Jack, in the A2A C172 at least ...



Thanks Adam, I tried another A2A plane, the Comanche and it worked.  Maybe my Cherokee isn't working but the hangar didn't show any problems.  I have set to used with high hours so that could be it.

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2 hours ago, Adam Banks said:

I tried the Cherokee: works OK as well.


Have you checked all your fuses? Failing that, try a complete overhaul and see if that does it.



Thanks Adam!  I’ll try it again soon, since it’s old it could be a breakers, man do I like A2A!

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