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NZAA NZNI V1 Missing ground textures

Paul Low

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Reinstalled my flight simulator after many years of doing nothing after learning about the PDMG 777...  I've reinstalled virtually everything but there appears to be a bug or something auckland International regarding the ground textures.

I do remember having this problem years ago but I just lived with it but now I just can't cope with these absent ground textures.
Your website mentions my order number? - you want that displayed here? - on a forum?

Attached is the difference between a photo of NZAA on your website and on my computer. :)
regards, Paul

P.S: Sorry for putting this post here...  I couldn't find a more relevant area of the forum to post this :(

ORBX NZAA my sim.jpg

ORBX NZAA website.jpg

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2 hours ago, Paul Low said:


1. Reinstalled my flight simulator after many years of doing nothing after learning about the PDMG 777...  I've reinstalled virtually everything but there appears to be a bug or something auckland International regarding the ground textures.

I do remember having this problem years ago but I just lived with it but now I just can't cope with these absent ground textures.
2. Your website mentions my order number? - you want that displayed here? - on a forum?
3. P.S: Sorry for putting this post here...  I couldn't find a more relevant area of the forum to post this :(


Hello Paul and welcome back.


1. I have no idea why you would be seeing those ground textures, I do not and I cannot see a way to

replicate them.

I suppose there is no chance of you having another version of the airport active at the same time that

has photo real ground textures?

Yours look more like the satellite image.


2. Yes, this is a support forum and support for payware products is provided after an order number is provided.


3. For a problem with an FTX Payware product, I cannot think of a more appropriate place than

the Full Terrain Experience (FTX) Payware Support Forum.


Hopefully someone else will recognise what is wrong and tell you how to fix it.



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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


Hello Paul and welcome back.


1. I have no idea why you would be seeing those ground textures, I do not and I cannot see a way to

replicate them.

I suppose there is no chance of you having another version of the airport active at the same time that

has photo real ground textures?

Yours look more like the satellite image.


2. Yes, this is a support forum and support for payware products is provided after an order number is provided.


3. For a problem with an FTX Payware product, I cannot think of a more appropriate place than

the Full Terrain Experience (FTX) Payware Support Forum.


Hopefully someone else will recognise what is wrong and tell you how to fix it.





OK, ummm I purchased this a long time ago through 'flightsim store' , my order number was #FSS0379191.


would you be so kind as to say how I might be able to delete the satellite image?

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8 hours ago, smudger said:



Could it be that you have a 3rd party scenery that is photoreal and is placed higher in your scenery library ?

If so deactivate it and check again.



by 'higher' you mean in the FSX scenery list? - where you can move scenery up/down?

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Hello Paul,


I've spent a little time today researching your little texture problem, there seems little doubt that what you are seeing at NZAA is not what the airfield apron looks like in the NZ NI region pack. As Smudger said above it could be another NZAA airfield is active in the Scenery library above your FTX NZNI region overriding the NZNI/NZAA airfield.
The thing is there are only 2 possible other NZAA addons available that you might have tried, one is an afcad, the second removes the unused runway 5L/23R replacing it with a taxiway and links, these 2 NZAA addons are relatively old and are meant as enhancements to the FSX/P3D default NZAA, neither addon replaces the texture in the same way as shown in your picture.

The NZAA version which comes with NZNI should look like the picture below (I use FSX along with some enhancement's so there may be some slight differences to your sim), note the airfield runway, taxiway apron resembles what can be seen in Google Earth.







If you can do a sim file/folder search, using NZAA (ICAO code) as your search term, it will present you with any other NZAA conflicting afcad or NZAA scenery addon not belonging to FTX NZNI version of Auckland. You could post a picture of your search, displaying location file and folder (Details view) of any NZAA ICAO's found.
If another addon's conflicting .bgl's are found they can be switched off using a .OFF file extension.

Having said that.........

I don't believe the problem is a conflicting NZAA addon, but a texture replacement/enhancement program like REX or similar, which has replaced your concrete taxiway texture with its own HD asphalt variant. ( taxi_concrete.dds ) You can view this file using freeware DXT.bmp program.

You could check if this is the case, by visiting NZWN Wellington... around the terminal close to the gates/jetways (look at gates 10 - 25) as shown in the picture below. the texture should be depicted with large Concrete squares, not rectangular asphalt sections. If you find that you have the same asphalt sections at NZWN as you do at NZAA it is more than likely an addon or enhancement has altered your default concrete taxiway texture or at least swapped for its own HD variation. Because this is a default texture you may find other default airports around the globe requiring this same concrete texture are now depicting HD asphalt texture as seen in your NZAA pic.





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