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Love the Products. One issue


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I have quite a bit of the add on's and I love them. I using FSX and have the Global Base Pack, Global Vector, Global Trees HD, Open LC North America, Open LC Europe, Open LC South America, NA Northern California, NA Southern California and NA Pacific Northwest. I also downloaded and installed some of the freeware stuff.


I'm running a Intel Core I7-6700K 4.0 GHz, 16 gigs of RAM, NVDIA GTX970 I also have Intel 540 SSD drives.


I have an issue that has popped up around KSFO. I noticed large areas of white around the airport in the urban area. I also notice some of the hills are not being rendered and some black spots I'm using the settings recommended in the manual. 


Is there some setting I need to adjust? I'm using Captain Sims C-130 X-perience base pack and Area-51 C-17.


Also will adding 32 gigs of RAM make any difference?


Eventually I would like to get all of the add on's. Aside from cost there is a disk space issue. I'm getting a Sandisk SSD Plus 480GB next week so I can move some stuff to it and re-install DCS World.


Man this is an expensive hobby!

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A few screenshots would help the experts determine what the problem is.


As for adding 32 gigs of RAM?  That's really overkill.  16 is plenty for FSX.  Now it might be a different story with P3Dv4, however.  But I haven't had any probs with 16 gigs.


Greetings from Monterey!

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Hi Stewart,


Monterey is beautiful! I attached a few screenshots. Its odd. Sometimes things are fine and other times I get the odd effects as shown in the attached screenshots. When I do get the odd graphics the weird effects are often different. I also get an occasional lockup where my system freezes and FSX shuts down. So far all the issues I've encountered were on the NA Northern California map and around the SF Bay/East Bay Region around the Concord area. 


I saw a youtube video that mention something about FSX 32 bit memory handling and OOM issues. Apparently P3Dv4 is 64 bit optimized and has resolved the 32 bit memory issues?


RE:P3Dv4- I checked out the webpage about 6 or so months ago before the latest version came out and it seemed to raise questions about its use for recreational purposes. It also seemed geared towards the military. It does look interesting. Pricey and I'm not sure about compatibility with my existing FSX add-ons.




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System specs will help, too, I forgot to add.  The last screenshot is awful!  Your graphics card is really overloaded, it seems or you had a serious OOM.  There are *no* OOM issues with P3dv4, as you have found out.  I have both FSX and P3Dv4 installed, each on its on SSD.  I went with P3D about a month ago, but am keeping FSX because a few of my favorite airplanes haven't been converted over to P3D.  As you might have gathered, the SF Bay Area is really cruel on VAS usage (as is LAX down south).  I have many, many 3rd party addon aiports, and *almost* all of them have been adapted for P3Dv4, and even the ones that haven't, I've installed into P3D with very few problems.  Many of the "non-converted" airports are European airports, but seem to work fine anyway.  This afternoon, I flew from Zagreb to Zadar, Croatia, both freeware, and they were fine, just like in FSX.  So, don't let the fact you have 3rd party addons stop you from testing P3Dv4.  As you can see from the forums here, quite a few guys have switched over to P3Dv4, and I suspect many more will do so in the coming months.

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System Specs are Intel Core I7-6700K 4.0 GHz, 16 gigs of RAM, NVDIA GTX970 (4gigs VRAM) I also have Intel 540 SSD drives. Windows 10. I'm running at 1600x1050.


My FSX is the gold version with Acceleration so I'm assuming during install it automatically updated to SP2.


Prepar P3Dv4 is definitely on my to get list. The fact that they've updated the engine to a 64bit one is a major step forward. I just need to get my new SSD drive up and running. Between FSX, DCS World and other stuff I have on my system I'm down to 40 gigs free space.

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  • 6 months later...

Just a quick Update. I went ahead and bought Prepar3D v4 and so far it runs with no issues even with scenery cranked up. Before after a few minutes flying over the Bay area (Northern California) I would encounter issues like the above or system crashes. I'm going to make the assumption that moving away from the Flight Sim X 32 bit code to the 64 bit code of Prepar 3D makes a difference.


I've also read that Prepar 3D is coded to use both your CPU and Graphics card, whereas Flight SimX only uses your CPU.


There has only been 2 changes to my system since I originally posted this-I had to buy a 1TB SDD drive cause I was running out of space after the recent 50% off sale and I'm now using a LG Widescreen monitor 2560x1080, with a second 22 inch monitor, so I pushing the graphics card harder.


I'll try re-installing the C-130 and see if I can fly heavy urban areas without crashing.

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