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How smooth is P3DV4?


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I am going to start by answering my own question :D


Very smooth! As a long time user of FSX and its predecessors, I waited until a 64 bit version of P3D was released before trying it out.


I purchased P3DV4 last week just wondering what I had in store. I have spent the past week or so tweaking it and adding various aircraft, scenery etc. Over the week I have kept moving my sliders up into ultra territory. I now have most of them maxed out. My frame rate is set to unlimited, although I am not really a frame rate watcher, preferring to judge a sim on how smooth I find it when flying.


It is amazing to me just how smooth P3DV4 is. I get no stutters, lags etc and (when I check the frame rate) it is always 30+ and usually in the 40-80 range. I am sure that it will slow down once I add some of the orbx airports. But, I am still expecting a smooth performance.


I thought that it might be useful to share our experiences? BTW, I am still keeping FSX long term as I have so many aircraft in it which may never be released in P3D. So this is not meant as a FSX vs P3D thread, more a P3DV4 experience thread. :)


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Same here. Although I get low framerates depending on the region I fly in (my PC is a little older and I have a homecockpit setup with three independet views, which impacts performance quite heavily), P3D V4 just FEELS smooth even when fps drop down to something like 18 to 20. The reason is that there are virtually no microstutters anymore, which I find a lot more annoying than low framerates. in V3, even when I had 30 fps or more, my flying experience was disturbed by frequent stutters and lags every few seconds. In V4 even 20 fps feel better than 30 in V3. It´s all about smoothness and cosistency, I guess. So even if some of my addons aren`t working yet, I´m never going back to V3.


Cheers, Fabian


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